Long term/short term Smart goal

By qcatron
  • Step 1

    Step 1
    Take Hands-on classes that will help my career
  • Short term Smart Goals

    S I want to get a job at john deere
    M John deere calls and the interviewer says i got the job
    A Taking building trades and practice interviews
    R The job is more important than my Freetime
    T 2 Years
  • Step 2

    Step 2
    Get good at handling multiple types of construction and Complete work with ease
  • Step 3

    Be able to handle Independent work so i can be able to do fine on my own
  • Step 4

    Step 4
    Complete the Plumbing unit and get skilled at the wiring in the plumbing
  • Step 4

    Step 4
    Get a credit in Building trades 2
  • Step 5

    Try to get nominated to get a scholarship to succeed in life and not pay for my education
  • Step 3

    Enroll in classes and aim to get B+'s or B's
  • Step 2

    Head to a trades school in Iowa to gain experience
  • Step 4

    Step 4
    Gain a job that has welding and then work as long as i can before applying at john deere so i have the experience to work there if i get an interview.
  • Step 5

    Step 5
    Search the Local area or nearby town to gain experience so I can get an interview for john deere
  • Step 1

    Step 1
    I want to Work for john deere as a welder
  • Long Term

    S I want to become a chef
    M Through the experience that I can perform various cooking tasks without burning the food or making mistakes
    A. Taking foods classes Take Hcm Foods
    R Becoming a chef is more important than time to make friends or play video games.
    T 5 Years