SMART goals

By kharitn
  • Find shoes at a discounted price at Kohls

    Find shoes at a discounted price at Kohls
  • Buy a dress from Jc Pennys

    Buy a dress from Jc Pennys
  • Find jewelry at Charming Charlies and spend less than $25

    Find jewelry at Charming Charlies and spend less than $25
  • Get my hair done at home (color and style)

    Get my hair done at home (color and style)
  • Buy corsages for both people at the flower shop in Eldridge

    Buy corsages for both people at the flower shop in Eldridge
  • I want to be able to buy new a new dress and jewelry for prom

    I want to be able to buy new a new dress and jewelry for prom
    S- Buy new dress and jewelry for prom
    M- Spend less than $200
    A- Find shoes at a discounted price or use ones that I already own
    R- I am going to save money from holidays and gifts that I could spend on something else, so that I am able to buy the dress.
    T- I will get all of these things before May 2nd
  • Graduate high school

    Graduate high school
  • Apply to Scott Community College

    Apply to Scott Community College
  • Get a masters degree at a 4 year school

    Get a masters degree at a 4 year school
  • Long term goal : Career after college

    Long term goal : Career after college
    S - I want to get a career in an education field
    M- I will start my education at Scott to get an associates degree and go to a bigger school to get my masters in that field.
    A- I already have stuff set up to go to Scott in the fall
    R- I will spend this time in school instead of going into a trade that would get me a job much faster.
    T- I will have the degree and a job by 2025 at the latest
  • Apply for jobs at schools

    Apply for jobs at schools