• Period: to

    5 years

    In 5 years from now, I will still be taking classes at AB tech. I will be a vet tech still taking classes to become a vet. I will be making at least a "B" in all of my classes.
  • Period: to

    10 Years

    In 10 years, I will be a vet. I will drive a nice car and have a nice house. Hopefully I will be married. I will be 28 years old.
  • Period: to

    15 years

    In 15 years from now, I have kids and I love my job. I am married. I will travel the world and have two dogs.
  • Period: to

    20 years

    I will be 38 years old. I have traveled to the UK and Australia. I am still working as a vet
  • Period: to

    40 years

    In 40 years, I will be 58 years old. I will have grandchildren. I will live in the country but also have a beach house.