ST SMART Goal Timeline

  • Go To College For Football

    Go To College For Football
    I need to get faster because an Offensive lineman along with being big, needs to be able to pull.
  • Go To College For Football

    Go To College For Football
    I need to work on new techniques with my coach in order to be the best player in the field.
  • Go To College For Football

    Go To College For Football
    I need to get stronger football, so I will go lifting in order to do so. The stringer you are the better.
  • ST Go To College For Football

    ST Go To College For Football
    I want good connections and relationships with coaches to see what is the best fit for me and to see what my options are.
  • Go To College For Football

    Go To College For Football
    I don't know what profession I want to go into. I need to start planning so when I get to the point of college, I know what to do.
  • Go To College For Football

    Go To College For Football
    I need to focus on school and getting good grades so my GPA is more attractive to colleges in need of athletes.