the 14th amendment is passed
On july 9th in 1868 the 14th amendment of the u.s. was passed. The 14th amendmeny is a constitutional amendment that does not alow states from keeping their citizens the right to vote. the amendment gives equal protection of laws. the amendment was propositioned in reaction towards the issue of the formaly known slaves, post the civil war in the United States of America. -
the 14th amendment being passed
the reason why the 14th amendment was an imortaint event to have occured is that it gave newly liberated slaves more equality within the system. it made sure that the states couldnt deny citizens their liberty or their property of their life. this was a montuments event that was a huge step toward equality being formed and respected. -
Grandfather clauses declared unconstitutional by supream court
the reason why the grandfather clauses being deamed uncostitutional is a giant event to have taken place is because, it made african americans actualy be abel to vote like they are supposed to. 250,000 voters were registed after the clsauses were outlawed, and it made the african americans have a voice in the government and it made the reflection of the public towards the government better. -
Grandfather clause outlawed by supream court
Grandfather clauses are tactics that were implimented after the civil war. this tactical movement said that thoes who had, prior to 1866 or 1867, had the right to vote of others in there line had the right to vote that they would be exempt from tax, property, or educational requirements for voteing. In 1915 the supream made grandfather clauses illegal due to thier impediment of equal rvoting rights promissed in the fiftenth amendment. -
executive order 8802 forbids race discrimination in hiring
Frankline D. Roosevelt ordered the executive order 8802, which banned descrimination of race, creed, color and national Origion in defensive programs. Such as federal agencies, unions, and companies engaged in war-related work. To ensure that the non discriminitory polocy is upheld within federal hiring, F.D.R sets up the Fair Employment Practices Comission. President Roosevelt was prompted to issue order 8802 when a group of black leaders met with the presidents cabinent and Eleanor Roosevelt. -
Executive order 8802 forbids race discrimination in hiring
and threatened to march on wasington if the president didnt not do something, Roosevlt promptly ordered 8802.
Executive order 8802, was a great win for the civil rights cause, the banning of discrimination in federal jobs, was the first real time that the federal government acted and stoped discriminationin hiring practices in the United States. This order alotted more equality within the system, which would then make people find hiring based on race not a big deal. -
Brown vs. Board
The supream is going to disagree with plessy by saying it violates the 14th amendment, because sepearate schools are inverdently unequal, and they order schools to desegregate "with all deliberatre speed." The supream court did some studies and found that sepetate schools, even if they were equal, lead to inferiority complexes and therefor were not right and schools would have to be together. -
Brown vs. Board
The supream court revesing Plessys stand and siding with the civil rights side, is a major turning poit in the civil rights case. This decision makes a stand and definently markes the constitution on the racial equality side. the desision also rallies up people for the civil rights cause. -
The 24th amendment is passed
the 24th amendments passing made the Black voter registration increase, and in turn the political canidates shuned the ideology of white supreacy in fsvor of attemting to pursuade black voters as well. Blacks had more of a say in the affairs of the state, through voting on their cause. -
The 24th amendment passed
The 24th amendment banned poll taxes, because they were a tool to keep whites racial superior. The 24th amendment was disliked by most southern sates whom used them most frequently. the banning of the poll taxes . Poll taxes wee used to keep low- income citzens, who were mainily african american, from paricipating. the supream court shot this down and said all could vote, despite their ability to pay./ -
Civil Rights act passed
this act greately boosted moral and made blacks have equality in word, most people went along with it in word, but there are still people who dont aggree. the civil rights act made the equality issue spurred futher. -
Civil rights act passed
the civil rights act was passed by congress, forbiding racial discrimination in public places, such as hotels, voting, employment, and schools. In the employment field discrimination on race, color, religion sex, or national origion. Lydon B. Johnson is the one to push it, but his presesor (J.F.K.) is the one who came up with the original idea. -
Voting Rights Act approved
Once the voting rights act is approved sothern black voter registration rose past 50%. Black higharcheys are elected in a multitude of positions. In Mississippi, a notoriosly racist place, the registration went from 7% to 67%. -
Voting rights act approved
Lydon B.Johnson signed the voting rights act. this garentened African Americans the right to vote, it made imposments or restrictions for federal, state, and local elections illegal, that were created to deny blacks the right to vote. -
Bakke vs. Regents of University of California desision
The supream court rules that unyielding racial quotas are illegal, or in other words the useage of racial quotas in admission processes are unconstitutional, post the allan Bakke situation; in which he is denied to UC medical school because he is white and the minorities get thoes spots, despite the fact his grades and scores were significantly higher then most minority appliers. it creates the affermitive action program. -
Bakke vs. Regenents of University of california desision
This case would alow the affermative action to abmerge, alowing in some cases thoes who have faced more racial discrimination to get judged diffrently, and be favored in a certain cercumstances. -
works cited continued
Workes Cited
*f aculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/chart.civrights.html
* civilrights.uslegal.com/voting-rights/gandfather-clauses-literacy-tests-and-the-white-primary
* www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/14thamendment.html
* www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=true/doc=72
* www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/content/antidiscrim-defense-doc.html
* www.history.com/topics/black-history/civilrights-act
* www.history.com/this-day-in-history/johnson-signs-voting-rights-act