Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was a two-part compromise stating that any states south of 36' 30' would be a slave state and that any north would be a free state. Even though the state of Missouri is mostly above the 36'30' line, it became a slave state. -
Undergound Railroad
The Underground Railroad as a system of hidden trails and people to try and set the slaves free from the south. Levi Coffin was belived to be the president of the Undrground Railroad. -
Nat Turners Rebellion
Nat Turner was a runaway slave who was very religous and led a rebellion in Southhamton County, VA of 50-60 slaves to kill land and slave owners on August 21, 1835. Once they were captured they were all executed. -
Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 said that Califorina would become a free state and put into efect the Fugitive Slave Law which said that any slave free or fugitve would be sent back to the south to work. William H. Seeward, John C. Calhoun, and Jefferson Davis said that the south should have the same amount of territories as the north. -
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas Nebraska Act said that the people in the terrirories to choose wether or not to become a slave state or a free state. -
Bleeding Kansas
Bleeding Kansas was an event that took place when the nothenern and southern people wanted to move in Kansas and Nebraska. The northern and southern people started fighting and their was so much bloodshed the called it Bleeding Kansas. -
The Rise of the Know Nothings
The Rise of the Know Nothings was a event in which poeple from America who were actualy the American Party in congress. They were middle class americans and they were most successful in the Northern States. They were scared to lose there jobs to immagrents and hated the idea of loosing slavery. -
Dred Scott Case
Dred Scott was a slave who traveld with his owner and when his owner died he went to a new owner. He once lived on free soil so he and his new wife who was also a slave thought that they should be able to live as free people. They took their idea to court and lost the battle. -
John Brown
On October 16,1859 John Bron led a group of men (16 white,5 black) on a rebellion of a federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry Virgina. He was born in Torrington, Connecticut. From there he moved all over the east. John Brown went to a proslavery town and killed 5 of its people with the help of his 5 sons. He helped establish the Leage of Gileadites which was an oganization who worked to keep runaway slave safe from slave catchers. John Brown also became the leader of Guerillas. He died on Dec. 2,1859. -
The Presidential Election of 1860
The peolple who were in the Presidential Election of 160 were Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, John C. Breckinridge, and John Bell. By the end of the voting, Lincoln had won over Douglas by a landslide with Lincoln having 180 votes and Douglas having only 12. Lincoln was sworn into office on March 4, 1860. -
South Carolina Secedes from the Union
South Carolina seceded from the Union on April 12, 1861 at 4:30 am when a farmer gave the order to fire the first shots of the Civil War. The Battle of Fort Sumter was the first battle of the Civil War. The battle lasted over 36 hours and ended with a white flag waving over the Union fort. The Confederates had won and the only causalty was a horse but after the Union serendered, 2 federal troops died at the ceromony after their cannon had missfired. This was the begining of the Civil War.