The Underground Railroad
The underground railroad was not a train railroad, but a slave route to freedom. The reason it is called the underground railroad is, because the people who helped on the path are given names like station master or even conductor. The underground railroad had many conductors that led slaves into the north like Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman is a escaped slave that came back to the south multiple times to lead more escaped slaves to freedom. -
Missouri Compromise
The missouri compromise was to keep a balance in congress between slave states and free states. In the outcome Maine became a free state while missouri became a slave state. -
Nat Turners Rebellion
Nat Turners rebellion dealt with 60 to 70 slaves rebelling against white slave owners, white children and white women. The rebellion killed up to 65 people on the southern plantation. They sent militia after the rebellion to stop them , and execute mos tof them. Many theories have been made about the reason that Nat Turner chose to form this rebellion. -
Compromise of 1850
The Compromise consisted of a (36,30) line that splitted Missouri in half dividing the state into slave and non slave parts. South of the line would be slavery land, and north of the land would be nonslavery. The mastermind of this plan was Henry Clay, adn saved the north and south dispute. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
This act created the two states of Kansas and Nebraska which stated that any white males in the territory can decide if the territory can be a slave territory or free territory. Once this act was passed by congress pro and anti slave supporters came to both states, and this resulted in fights. At the end Kansas become apart of the union, and Nebraska was apart of the south side, The mastermind of this plan was Stephen Douglass. -
Bleeding Kansas
Bleeding kansas was a event in which pro and anti slavery supporters clashed against each other in Kansas. The clash resulted in the current president sending troops to resolve the issue. This event was triggered from the Kansas and Nebraska event. -
Dred Scott Case
The Dredd Scott case was a case in the Supreme court of the United States. Which argued whether that a African American should or should not be able to testify there self at a court, and if he can no longer be a slave and become a freeman. During his 3 court session he won one state court, and his owner won one state court. This eventually went to the supreme court which led to Dred scotts freedom. -
Presidental Election Of 1860
During the presidental election of 1860 Abraham lincoln, John Bell,Stephen A. Douglass and John Breckinridge were all nominees for the presidental election. Abraham Lincoln led the canidate race with 180 electoral votes and won the election. John Breckinridge got 72 electoral votes, John Bell got 39 electoral votes and Stephen Douglass got 12 elctoral votes. -
Attack On Fort Sumter
General Beauregard was in control of the soldiers there at the time. Abraham LIncoln was supposed to send ships to resupply the fort, but the ships couldnt enter. Eventually the fort got raided, and eventually the fort surrendered. The leading to the attack of this fort was the beginning of the American Civil War.