Period: to
Underground Railroad
Walter was born a slave he couldnt bear to pick cotton in Mississippi and he was alomost 20 years old. The major crop in Kentucky, Virgina, and upper south is tabcco.The first slaves wwere brought in the 1500s, the journey from Africa to the Aclantic Ocean took four months to get there. -
Levi Coffin
Levi Coffin a white abolitionist wanted to get slaves to freedom in canada but he could have been fined or jailed. So he became president of the underground railroad and helped blacks read, write and opened a shop selling items mad by slaves. -
Dred Scott Case
36-30 line was gone dred scott and his family got thier freedom. Scott was not a citizen he was property and he would not be free. -
Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott and his wife wanted there freedom. But thet are black so they will have to go throw obstioles to become free.Scott's first owner was the blow family, he was sold to Dr. Emerson and where ever he went Dred went "Illionois for 12 years." Since Dred was in free statesfor 12years he could get his freedom. The Dr. died so Emersons widow hired him. the compremise of 1850 was no longer their since slave onwers were taking slaves, to free states that they forgot about 36-30. -
Missouri Compromise
Maine was admitted a free state. In Congress the number of slave and free states is balanced. -
Missouri Compromise
The issue is will Missouri be allowed to be a slave state? Southern moved in to the Missouri with slaves, and congress could not make a condition because old states didn’t get to pick if they were slave or free. The north said no more slaves were to be brought in to Missouri and kids had to be let go at 25 years old. The Two-Part compromise of Missouri became a part of the union as a slave state and 36-30 line devidesthe new territory above and under would be slave and above would be free. -
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Nat Turer was a intelligent and a religious young man. He led 60-70 slaves to kill and in a 48-hour pieriod they killed 57 whites and childern. many slaves were captured and tried in court, some were found innocent and set free and others were found gilty and killed. some blacks had weapons and some saved thier masters others didnt. Some whites took hands in to thier own hands and carried out plans and violence. -
The Compromise of 1850
Every few years people thought that the free and slave states would split. California became a state, thier would be more free states then slave. So the slave states were going to leave. Henry Clay tryed to get the nourth and south to compromise. Even noing he was sick and weak he tryed with being sevety-three years old he never gave up and he gave seventy speeches. he would like people to agree on the compromise. He be came to sick to fignt anymore so stephen Douglass took over for him and try -
compromise of 1850
and get the plan passed. Senator John C. Calhoun was from the south. he was dying from tuberculosis, he did not want any part of the compromise. he wanted slavey to stay. him and the president died. So the new presied Millard Fillmore agreed with the plan Henry Clay worked out. Thier was five parts to the compromise of 1850 the first was California could be a free state, the secound was what to do with the lands won from Mexican War. Washington D.C.slave trade was no longer aloud, but they -
Comprimise of 1850
they could still have slaves thier.If texas gave up the land that was fought for they would get ten-million dollars.Then they could pay of their debts of to mexico. The Fugitive Slave Act every one had to help catch runaway slaves and it did not matter if they were free or slave they were still taken back to the south. Preson that let a runaway slave get away would go to jail or get a fined. For judges if they sent a free or slave person they would get more money then trying to free them. After -
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
Kansas-Nebrask was 1854 that was popular sovereignty that allowed srttlers in a territory to decide if savery was aloud in a new state border. Abraham and Douglas opponent the ifluential. Thier debates took the Missoui Compermise awawy from saying were free and slave territorys. The pro-slavery and anit-slavery people that the act couse violence and that helped paved a way for Cilil War. -
Bleeding Kansas
Stephen Douglas want to be President, he came up with the Kansas-Nabraslea act.Kansas-Nabraslea was northof the 36-30 line,They got to choose to be slave or not. John Brown he thought he was chosen inturment of god. Led several New Englanders, night to proslawery settlements by Pottawatomie Creek. Brown and his men took men out their beds and dragged from their homes and killed them with their familys watching. -
Bleeding Kansas
this is how Bleeding Kansas got its nickname becuse of the violence happening in the terittory's. -
President Election of 1860
Abraham Lincoln was a Repubican party, he was againstslavery and he did not want slavery to exspand. He won the Election with out any southners votes.Stephen Douglas was Demacrat of the north, he was okay with slavery if thats what the people wanted. John Breckinridge Democrat of the south, he was aggressive policy of expanding slavery. John Brown confitutinal, wanted to keep slavery, Bored states -
Fort Sumter
Lincoln sent stuff for Fot Sumter but the harbor they went throw was loade with Confederate forts and gun battery that could take them out because the Unoin ships were not for fighting. So on April 12 troops attacked the Fort.Fort Sumter is a ialsnd its between Charleston, Charleston Harbor. The two rivers that go into the harbor are Ashley River, Cooper River. Their was two Confrederate Forts and they were Fort Johnson and Fort Moultrie.