
By Lawsals
  • 1400

    Golden Age of Exploration

    Europeans sailed around Africa for money.
  • 1500

    European traders began to sell Africans guns

  • Period: 1500 to

    The Europeans began to build trading posts in Africa

  • Europe had taken nearly all of Africa

  • Africans began to seriously rebel against colonization

  • South Africa was granted Independence from Great Britan

  • The Kikuyu people of Kenya began a political organization

  • Italy invaded Ethiopia

  • Kwame Nkrumah introduced the idea of pan - Africanisim

  • white Southey americans made the apartheid law

  • The people in the South rebelled against northern rule leading to two civil wars

  • Sudan gained its independence from Great Britan

  • Ghana gained its independence

  • Nigeria became independent

  • Belgium Congo became independent

  • Kenya became independent

  • Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life in prison for his actions

  • Joseph Mobutu seized power

  • The Igbo people tried to declare themselves independent

  • F.W. De Klerk was elected president

  • De Klerk reached announced the end of apartheid and released Nelson Mandela

  • South Africa help its first open elections

  • count people in Tunisia began to agitate for more democratic government

  • A new government was elected

  • Sudan recognized South Sudans independence

  • President Ben Ali resigned and a democratic government was elected

  • He was forced to resign

  • Mubarak was replaced by a Islamic fundamentalist.

  • His government was overthrown by the military