
By JaluanM
  • Laura Plantation

    Laura Plantation
    The tin plantation slave worked at
  • Slave Tags

    Slave Tags
    Copper slave tags identified a slave by number when they were hired out in South Carolina
  • The Middle Passage

    The Middle Passage
    On slave ships slaves tossed across board crossing the atlantic
  • Slave Rules

    Slave Rules
  • Slaves after hard work

    Slaves after hard work
    After a family hard working picking cotton near Savannah Georgia
  • Auction and Negro sale

    Auction and Negro sale
    When slaves ships reached the americans they were off loaded and sold in slave markets
  • Slave Auction

    Slave Auction
    Slaves being auctioned in Virginia
  • Wilson Chinn

    Wilson Chinn
    A freed slave from Louisiana
  • Slavery

    Abraham addressing slavery started war
  • History

    This video is a great example credible videos beacsue they is nt to hard or not to simple
  • History

  • Discovery

  • Field

    A cotton field in Tennessee