month 1
Mom- may experience physical symptoms such as tender breast, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. Her body is changing to feed the baby. -
month 1
Baby- sperm fertilizes the egg. The fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine lining.The baby's heart starts beating. The baby's measurement is about 1/8 inches and weighs 0.03 pounds -
month 2
Mom- may experience symptoms of increased size of breast. Also may be more sensitive to alcohol and cigarettes. Morning sickness. Increased moodiness during this stage. -
month 2
Baby- The fetus looks more like a baby and not a tadpole. At the end of the second month the internal organs are begging to develop. -
month 3
Mom- her abdomen is starting to expand to allow growth for the baby. She is also able to see the baby for the first time -
month 3
Baby- baby lives with fluid now. Can find out more on when the baby will be here. The face fingers and toes are fully formed to make the baby look normal. The measurement of the baby is 3.5 inches and weighs 1.7 ounces -
month 4
mom- hormones settle, morning sickness starts to fade, you start to feel normal again, and your baby bump starts to show -
month 4
baby- baby is 5 to 6 inches long, weighs up to 4 ounces, baby's face and heart are fully formed, the lungs are still developing -
month 5
mom- your glowing , showing, your halfway through your pregnancy, the baby is thriving -
month 5
baby- baby is about 10 ounces and 6 to 9 inches long, she or he is covered in fine hairs, this month he or she is finally getting their fingerprints, and permanent teeth buds behind fully formed baby teeth -
month 6
mom- second trimester comes to an end, baby is making presence known, maternal instincts kick in, labor day is just months away -
month 6
baby- baby is 10 inches long, weighs about 1 pound, you can feel baby moving like when he or she has the hiccups or stretches, baby's eyes open and close now -
month 7
mom- her feet and hands start cramping, may experience more movement, joints are more loose, may experience braxton hicks contractions -
month 7
baby- being more baby like, sleep a lot, the rest of the time they are awake and alert, can now see hear and taste -
month 8
mom- will gain more weight, may feel discomfort when baby is stretching, may feel heartburn, stretch marks may appear -
month 8
baby- brainwaves are the same as a newborn baby, may be a foot long or longer, lungs and brain are still developing, baby may stop moving as much because of less room -
month 9
mom- countdown begins, you may be tried one min and energetic next, you be anxiously waiting for the baby, sleep will become more difficult. -
month 9
baby- baby's lungs are maturing, the fine hairs fall off, baby measures about 18 to 21 inches, weighs about 6 to 8 pounds.