Aristole first discussed meteorology in 340 B.C. when they wrote meteorologic.
The first recorded meteorologica.
Simple observations of the weather continued untiled 1643.
Soon after Fransico Folli inviented a hygrometer in 1664 to measure humidity and Robert Hooke built an anemometer to measure wind speed in1667
During the 1700s Benjamin Franklin observed that weather systems and North America moved from the west to the east.
Then in 1714 a german physical Daniel Fahrenheit develop the mercury thermometer
In 1765 a french scientest Laurent Lavorior made daily measurements of air preasure moisture content (now known as relative humitdity) wind speed, and wind direction.
As a result of a french war ship and 38 merchants vessels sinking during a fierce storm a national strrom warning service divice was established in France.
Today meteoralogests scienttests who study and predict the weather use sophisticated meteorolagest equipment to help them make a accuret prediction.