Alle skateboards

Skater timeline

  • 1950

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    Skateboard from: 1950-1959

    Skateboarding was first started in the 1950s. Mellow surfers got the idea to surf the streets. Nobody knows ho made the first board, but in the attempt of surfing the streets a new sport was born.
  • 1970

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    Skateboard from: 1970-1979

    At this time, skateboarding was mostly dowhillslalom or Freestyle not mush grinding and no big air jumps done om The street of NYC during the 70s, due of ´Freestyle
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    Skateboard from: 1980-1989

    Skateboarding began to influence clothing styles, music and culture.
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    Skateboard from: 1990-1999

    The First public skate park in NYC opened in the mid 90’s.
  • 2000

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    Skateboard from: 2000-2009

    Since 2000 skateboarding has become more mainstream. More money has been put into skateboarding, there are more skate parks, better skateboards, and more skateboarding companies support the skaters.