

  • First Skateboards ever seen

    First Skateboards ever seen
    In the 1950's they would call the skaters for "Asphalt Surfers". California and Hawaii are known to be the two first spots in the world where they developed some kind of a skateboard. They used shorter surfboards and wheels made out of metal. In 1959 Roller Derby released the first official skateboard, with some new technical developments
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    AT this time skateboarding was mostly just cruising, slalom or freestyl, not much grinding or tricks, was done on the street of NYC.
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    In the 80's skateboarding began to influence clothing styles, music and the overall culture.
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    The first skate park opened in NYD in the mid '90s
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    Nowadays skateboarding are becoming mere mainstream. More money has been put into it, there are more skate parks, better skateboards and more skateboard companies to support the growing skaters.