Cómo comprimir archivos usando la terminal de linux 2

Sistemas operativos abiertos (LINUX)

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    It is a portable, multitasking, multiuser operating system ; developed in principle in 1969 by a group of employees at Bell Labs AT & T, which include Dennis Ritchie, Ken Thompson and Douglas McIlroy .
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    Proyecto GNU

    Richard Stallman created the GNU project with the goal of creating a free operating system
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    El núcleo Linux

    first publication of its source code in 1991 .
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    Richard Stallman writes the first version of the GNU GPL.
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    licencia GNU GPL.

    Richard Stallman writes the first version at licence
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    El anuncio

    The Linux kernel is publicly announced by the then Finnish student Linus 21 Benedict Torvalds.
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    The Linux kernel is licensed under the GNU GPL again . The first Linux distributions are created .
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    El exito

    More than 100 developers working on the Linux kernel . With their help the core is adapted to the environment of GNU , to create another spectrum énorme Types of applications for the new operating system created Union GNU software project , many free software programs and the Linux kernel
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    la versión 1.0

    Torvalds believes that all components of the Linux kernel are fully mature and presents version 1.0 of Linux.
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    la version 1.2

    The next stable Linux branch appears , the series 1.2 . Later , Linux is transported to computing platforms and SUN SPARC DEC
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    Apariciones . . .

    The next stable Linux branch appears , the series 1.2 . Later , Linux is transported to computing platforms and SUN SPARC DEC
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    Version 2.0 of the Linux kernel is released and free for everyone
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    El anuncio

    Major computer companies such as IBM , Compaq and Oracle announce support for Linux.
    Programmers begin to develop the graphical user interface KDE, first of its kind for Linux , with the goal of providing ease of use to the user
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    La vercion 2.2 del núcleo Linux

    With the network code and enhanced support SMP .
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    Serie 2.4 del núcleo Linux.

    El núcleo Linux ahora soporta hasta 64 Gb de RAM, sistemas de 64 bits, dispositivos USB y un sistema de archivos journaling.
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    Comunidades Abriendo Puertas

    The OpenOffice.org community released version 1.0 of its eponymous office suite . Free web browser Mozilla is also released .
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    The Slapper -worm which is the first Linux computer worm appears .
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    El crecimiento

    la serie 2.6 del núcleo Linux es liberada, después de lo cual Linus Torvalds va a trabajar para el OSDL. Linux se usa más extensamente sobre sistemas integrados (embedded system).
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    Un nuevo equipo

    XFree86 team disintegrates and the X.Org Foundation, which causes a considerably faster X server for Linux development is formed.