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Canada External Relations with Sir Wilfrid Laurier (1841-1919)

  • Birth

    Sir Henri Charles Wilfrid Laurier is the second child of French-Canadian Carolus Laurier and Marcelle Martineau in Saint-Lin, Canada East (nowadays Québec Province).
  • Liberal Party Leader

  • Elected as the First Francophone Prime Minister in Canada

  • Period: to

    First French Prime Minister in Canada

  • Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee

    Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee
    It celebrated the 60 years of reign of the Queen Victoria, During the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, Wilfrid Laurier "was pressured into being knighted, he could not refuse that is why we know him with the title “Sir”. [Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Education Guide]. This event influenced the relationship between Canada and Britain because it could have been seen by the French Canadian as an act of subordination towards the Crown. Since at the time French Canadians and English Canadians were divided.
  • Period: to

    The South African War

    Canada’s first foreign war. It was fought between the Britain (with its dominions) and the Boer (or Afrikaners). The British Empire wanted military support from Canada but it caused tensions between the French Canadians and the English Canadians. [Canada and the South African War, The Canadian Encyclopedia]. Laurier found a comprise for the Canadians and send only volunteers. This war marks the first time for Canada to send soldiers wearing Canadian uniforms even if they serve the British flag.
  • Win for the General Elections

    Laurier and his Liberals won the general elections in 1900 thanks to the support of Québec where he was popular. [Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Réal Bélanger, The Canadian Encyclopedia]
  • Alaska Boundary Dispute with the U.S

    Alaska Boundary Dispute with the U.S
    Took place between the U.S over the boundary of southeastern Alaska and the coast of British Columbia. In 1903 an international tribunal occurred to decide whether the Alaska Panhandle will belong to the U.S or Canada. This tribunal was formed by 3 American politicians, 2 Canadians and the Lord Chief Justice of England. The tribunal favored the Americans. The Canadians did not appreciated it. [The Alaska Boundary Dispute, The Canadian Encyclopedia]
  • Immigration lead to the creation of Alberta and Saskatchewan

    Immigration lead to the creation of Alberta and Saskatchewan
    A significant number of migrants reached Canada, making its population grow by 50% during Laurier’s governance. This, had led Canada to adopt the Alberta Act and the Saskatchewan Act on September 1st 1905 and making them the 7th and 8th Provinces to enter into the confederation. [Saskatchewan and the Confederation and Alberta and the Confederation, Jon Tattrie, The Canadian Encyclopedia]
  • The Naval Service Act

    The Naval Service Act
    During their naval arms race, Britain felt threatened by Germany’s naval expansion and urged the dominions “to organize substantial seagoing navies”. This resulted by the Naval Service Act in 1910 passed by Laurier’s government establishing the royal Canadian Navy. This, was opposed by French Canadian nationalists who feared that Canada would be more involved with the British Empire meaning that they would lose independence. [Naval Service Act, The Canadian Encyclopedia]
  • Trade Reciprocity

    In 1910, Wilfrid Laurier and the President William Howard Taft of the United States negotiated a reciprocity agreement. They signed the agreement on January, 26 1911. Nonetheless, with the loss of part of Alaska, Canadian rejected everything that was involved with the U.S. The Canadians’ refusal led to the loss of the general elections by the Liberals in September 21st 1911.Thus, ending the governance of the country by Wilfrid Laurier. [The Reciprocity Agreement, Musée Laurier]
  • Death