
Simon Bolivar Biography

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    Birth and death of Simón Bolívar

    Born in Caracas Venezuela died in Santa Marta Colombia for tuberculosis and typhoid fever.
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    Simon Bolivar's family death of his father and mother

    His parents were Colonel Don Juan Vicente Bolívar y Ponte, and Mrs. Concepción Palacios Blanco. He had three older brothers than him another girl, who died at birth. Before his third birthday, Simon lost his father, who died in January seventeen eightysix .Inseventeen Ninetytwo Dona Concepción died. María Antonia, the two men of the family, Juan Vicente and Simón, continued to live with their maternal grandfather, Don Feliciano Palacios, their guardian.
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    Moments of Simon Bolivar when he was small

    Simón Bolívar spent a few months as an intern in the house of Don Simón Rodríguez who then ran the School of first letters of the city. Between that great pedagogue and social reformer, and the child Simón Bolívar, a current of mutual understanding and sympathy was soon established, which would last as long as their lives. Bolívar had other teachers in Caracas, including Carrasco and Vides, who gave him lessons in writing and arithmetic.
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    Simón Bolívar progressive studies

    He traveled to Spain In Madrid under the direction of his uncles he gave himself passionately to the study He received there the proper education of a gentle man who was destined for the world and to the exercise of weapons expanded his knowledge of history of classical and modern literature and mathematics He began studying French and also learned fencing and dancing, making rapid progress in everything.
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    Marriage of Simon Bolivar

    in Madrid, where he married, on the twenty-sixth day with María Teresa The young husbands traveled to Venezuela, but Simon's happiness did not last long Maria Teresa died in January
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    Independence of venezuela

    Vive ahora como un joven aristócrata, atento al fomento de sus haciendas sostiene un sonado pleito con Antonio Nicolás Briceño por los linderos de una de ellas; pero piensa siempre en el porvenir del país. En las reuniones que él y su hermano Juan Vicente celebran con sus amigos en la quinta de recreo que poseen en Caracas a orillas del río Guaire, se habla de literatura, pero también se hacen planes para la Independencia de Venezuela.
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    Simon Bolivar

    In England has seen the practical functioning of institutions. Within the Patriotic Society of Caracas he is one of the most ardent lawyers of Independence, which Congress proclaims Bolivar joins the Army, and with the rank of Colonel contributesunder the orders of Miranda, to the submission of Valencia
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    in spite of great efforts, it does not manage to avoid that the place of Puerto Cabello, of which he was commander, falls into the hands of the realistic forces by a treason
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    In June, he had issued the Death War Decree, in order to affirm the incipient national sentiment of Venezuelans. Shortly before, as they passed through the city of Mérida, the towns had acclaimed Libertador, a title that solemnly conferred on him the Municipality and the people of Caracas, and with which he will go down in history.
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    Jamaica letter

    The Liberator is again fraternal asylum inNew Granada, where he intervenes with various fate in the internal political disputes and manages to get the city of Bogotá to join the United Provinces facing Cartagena, Bolivar leaves the command to avoid the outbreak of the civil war In Jamaica, the moment of intervening again inthe struggle is waiting impatiently draws up the famous Charter ofJamaica where it embraces the past, present and good of the Continent with understanding and prophetic vision
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    New Projects Simon Bolivar

    While the defeat of Napoleon in Europe, and the arrival in Venezuela of a powerful Spanish army instill new encouragement to supporters of the realistic cause Bolivar moves to the Republic of Haiti, in search of resources to continue the fight.
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    New decree

    The President of that State Alejandro Petiónse provides them with magnanimity. Soon an expedition commanded from Bolívar leaves Los Cayos, which arrives from Margarita Island and passes shortly thereafter to the Continent. Carúpano is taken by assault, and there da Bolívar, a decree that grants freedom to slaves, which he will ratify shortly after
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    Military Campaigns

    They begin then their brilliant military campaigns, in which they will alternate victories and setbacks until and from the triumphs predominate. At the head of a small army, clean the banks of the Magdalena River from enemies, take the Villa de Cúcuta, and start the liberation of Venezuela in May. The series of fighting and skillful maneuvers that in three months led him the winner from the border of Táchira to Caracas
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    Congress of Peru

    Lima falls to the royalists, but the Peruvian Congress, before dissolving, names Bolivar Dictator as in the former Roman Republic - with unlimited powers to save the country. He calmly accepts such tremendous responsibility. Retired to Trujillo, he works tirelessly; his genius and his faith in the destiny of America operate the miracle. Take the offensive
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    Simón Bolívar's Military Phase of Independence

    The military phase of Independence is over. Before the Peruvian Congress meeting in Lima, Bolívar renounces the unlimited powers conferred on him. Two days later that body decrees honors and rewards to the Army and the Liberator, but he does not accept the million pesos that were offered to him in particular. He leaves after the capital to visit Arequipa, El Cuzco and the provinces that were then called Upper Peru
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    Simon Bolivar in the fight

    in Ocaña it dissolves without the various parties having managed to agree. Bolívar, acclaimed Dictator, escapes in Bogotá, in September of that year, to an attempt on his life; Shortly after, he has to campaign to confront the forces of Peru that have penetrated Ecuador, where he remains for almost everything. Despite being sick and feeling tired, he struggles to save his work.
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    Death of Simón Bolívar

    returns to Bogotá to install the Constituent Congress. Venezuela is stirred again and proclaimed Independent State. In New Granada the opposition is strengthened. The Liberator, increasingly ill, resigns from the Presidency and embarks on a trip to the Coast. The news of Sucre's death, which he receives affects him deeply. He intends to march to Europe, but death surprises him in San Pedro Alejandrino, near Santa Marta, on December seventeenth of eighteen thirty
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    Parts and important moments of Simón Bolívar

    Bolivar's vocation was the exercise of weapons entered as a cadet in the Militia Battalion of the Valleys of Aragua, of which he had been. He was not yet 14 years old. In July of the following year, when he was promoted to Second Lieutenant, he wrote down on his service sheet