Simon Bolivar was born July 24th, 1783 in Caracas, Venezuela Masur, G. S. (2020, July 20). Simon Bolivar. Encyclopaedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Simon-Bolivar -
Married the daughter of a Spanish nobleman Masur, G. S. (2020, July 20). Simon Bolivar. Encyclopaedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Simon-Bolivar -
Cartagena Manifesto
Document considered Simon Bolivar's first great political writings Gobierno Bolivariano de Venezuela. (n.d). Venezuela conmemora los 207 años del Manifiesto de Cartagena escrito por Bolívar. http://vicepresidencia.gob.ve/venezuela-conmemora-los-207-anos-del-manifiesto-de-cartagena-escrito-por-bolivar/#:~:text=Buscar-,Venezuela%20conmemora%20los%20207%20a%C3%B1os%20del%20Manifiesto%20de%20Cartagena%20escrito,sus%20primeros%20grandes%20documentos%20pol%C3%ADticos. -
Letter from Jamaica
Simon Bolivar's most important document in which he expresses his political thought in terms of the fight needed to gain independence for Hispanic America Gobierno de la República del Ecuador. (n.d.). La Carta de Jamaica se incorpora al Patrimonio Documental de América Latina y El Caribe. https://www.culturaypatrimonio.gob.ec/la-carta-de-jamaica-se-incorpora-al-patrimonio-documental-de-america-latina-y-el-caribe/ -
Battle of Boyaca
Important battle that shifted the balance of power in Bolivar's favor Hoh, A. (2019, July 19). The Bicentennial of the Battle of Boyaca. Library of Congress. https://blogs.loc.gov/international-collections/2019/07/the-bicentennial-of-the-battle-of-boyac/ -
Battle of Carabobo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgx_PArxjck CGTN America. (2018, May 16). Venezuela, 1821: The Battle of Carabobo. [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgx_PArxjck -
Guayaquil Conference
Simon Bolivar and San Martin meet to discuss the liberation of Peru and of Hispanic America Masur, G. S. (2020, July 20). Simon Bolivar. Encyclopaedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Simon-Bolivar -
Period: to
President of Peru
Masur, G. S. (2020, July 20). Simon Bolivar. Encyclopaedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Simon-Bolivar -
Congress of Panama
Congress held by Simon Bolivar to bring together the new republics Masur, G. S. (2020, July 20). Simon Bolivar. Encyclopaedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Simon-Bolivar -
Simon Bolivar died December 17th, 1830 in Colombia Masur, G. S. (2020, July 20). Simon Bolivar. Encyclopaedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Simon-Bolivar