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Auguste Comte
Invented the term sociology. -
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Harriet Martineau
Founding mother of sociology. Translated Auguste Comte's Les Cours de Philosophie Positive. -
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Karl Marx
Is known as a major economist, historian, and sociologist. Marx's ideas played a significant role in the developement of the socialist movement and social science. Marx's many theories collectively became to be known as Marxisms. Created the Conflict Theory. "The history of all existing society is a history of class struggle." -
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Herbert Spencer
Known for views and ideas about evolulution (social evolution). Coined the phrase "survival of the fittest". -
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Emile Durkheim
Father of sociology. Made sociology a science. -
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Jane Addams
Social reformer who spent her life working on the social problems created by the imbalance of power among social classes. Won the Novel Peace Prize of 1931. Worked in the Hull House. -
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Max Weber
Also considered as the father of sociology. Came up with the four different types of social action. -
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W.E.B. DuBois
Contributed much to our understanding of racial colonialism, racial enslavement, and placed the study of African Americans into two categories