Signififcant Events

  • Vinny Ridge (2)

    Vinny Ridge (2)
    I think that if this event never happened, Canada would not have proved to the world that they were a fighting force that could beat the Germans.
  • Vimy Ridge (1)

    Vimy Ridge (1)
    WHO- French, British and Canadian Troops
    WHAT- A battle against the German's to capture Vimy Ridge WHERE- Vimy Ridge in northern France
    WHEN- Easter Monday April 9th at 5:28 am
    WHY- After both French and British troops faild to capture Vimy, Canadian troops were given the assignment.This was a Significant event in Canadian history because it was the first time Canadian troops faught togeather as one.
  • Conscription Crisis (2)

    I think that if this event never happend , Canada would not be a country of freedom. We wouldnt have had soldiers to fight for our country therefore we would of lost the war.
  • Conscription Crisis (1)

    Conscription Crisis  (1)
    WHO- All of Canada.
    WHAT-Canada was in desperate need to replenish its supply of soldiers.
    WHERE-All of Canada
    WHEN- May 1917.
    WHY-Canada was in desperate need to replenish its supply of soldiers. The recruiting effort in Quebec had failedand the french refused to fight.
    HOW-Canada was in desperate need of soldiers.
    This is a significant event because there needed to be a law put in place forcing to fight for there country.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    WHO- Millions of Canadians and Americans lost their jobs.
    WHAT-The Great Depression
    WHEN-It began when the stock market crashed on Oct. 29, 1929 and ended at the beginning of WW II on Sept. 3, 1039
    WHERE- In Canada and USA
    WHY- The Stock Market Crashed and Billions of dollars were lost. Companies had to close down because of it and many people were out of work.
    This is a significant event because it changed the way Canadians and americans lived. Many families starved and lost there homes.
  • Great Depression

    If this event never happened, the Canadian Government wouldn't have laws in place to protect jobless Canadians (Social Welfare).
  • Women Smae Rights As Men (2)

    Women Smae Rights As Men (2)
    I think if this event never happened, Canada would not have equal rights. Women would not have a say and it would be an all male decision making Country.
  • Women Same Rights As Men (1)

    Women Same Rights As Men (1)
    WHO- Women of Canada
    WHAT- Continue to gain rights in Canada
    WHERE- Alberta
    WHEN- 1920's and 1930's
    WHY- Helped the women of Canada have a voice in there
    opinion, and to be able to vote for different events such as elections
    I think that this is an significant event in Canadian history becuase it helped give women more opportunities. It helped with women trying to be able to be equal to men.
  • Dieppe Raid

    Dieppe Raid
    WHO: Canada, Germany, Free Polish Forces, United Kingdom
    WHAT: Allied attack on the German-occupied port of Dieppe.
    WHERE: Dieppe, France
    WHEN: 19 August 1942.
    WHY- To seize and hold a major port for a short period, both to prove it was possible and to gather intelligence from prisoners and captured materials while assessing the German
    This is a significant event because even though Canada lost alot of soldiers, they learned from there mistakes that helped them during Normandy.
  • Dieppe Raid

    I think that if this event never happened, Canada and its alies would not have been prepared for the D-Day invasion.
  • D-Day

    WHO- Canadian Troops.
    WHERE- Normandy France, The landings took place along a 50-mile stretch of the Normandy coast
    WHEN-Tuesday, 6 June 1944, beginning at 6:30 AM
    WHY-To end WWII and the Nazi domination of Europe
    HOW- By allies landing on the beach and running onshore
    where many didn`t even make it to the land.
    This is a significant event because it put Allied armies in Europe to defeat the Nazi's.
  • D-Day 2

    I think that if this event never happended, Canada would have been dominated by the Nazi's and prolonged the war and Hiltler's control.
  • Montreal Riot

    Montreal Riot
    WHO - People of Montreal
    WHAT - Riot over Maurice Richard being Suspended
    WHERE - Montreal
    WHEN - March 17th 1955
    WHERE - Because Richard accidently punched a ref in a hockey fight and was suspeneded for the remainder of the season and playoffs
    How - They blew up cars, and attacked police
    This is a significant event because its is one of the only Riots in Montreal.
  • Montreal Riot

    I think that if this event would never happened, Canada would not have lost a lot of their popular buildings due to the fires caused by the riots. This made the police realize that they needed to interveign a lot sooner so that the rioting never happens again. This proved to the world how passionate us Canadians are about our hockey.
  • Terry Fox

    Terry Fox
    WHO-Terry Fox
    WHAT-Running across Canada to raise money for cancer.
    WHERE-Started in Atlantic Ocean in St. John’s, Newfoundland.
    WHEN-April, 12, 1980
    WHY-To raise money for cancer foundation
    HOW-His brother drove a van and Terry ran beside, stopping at different places along the way to speak to people on the awareness of cancer and how important the research
    is to finding a cure. This is a significant event because of Terry Fox millions of people have donated to finding a cure for Cancer.
  • Terry Fox (2)

    I think if this event never happened, Canada would not have the funds to research Cancer. Terry has raised awareness as well as millions of dollars. He is a Canadian who is well known around the world.