Muhammad's Emigration
Muhammad was a prophet who believed he was sent by God as a messenger to the present. After assassins were sent to kill him, Muhammad escaped to Medina, where he could preach freely. Muhammad named his teachings Islam, meaning "submission to the word of God". He is the reason for the start and rise of Islam. -
Mid-Dark Ages
Following the decline of the Roman Empire, many men turned to God in hope that he would lead them into the light. This belief resulted in many living strictly in accordance to God's will, in hopes that they would be rewarded. This strength in faith continued to motivate many throughout the Middle Ages -
Dec 25, 800
Charlemagne is Crowned "Emperor of the Romans" by the Pope
Known by the Pope as the "defender of all Christians", Charlemagne was given the task to internally strengthen the Church, which he did with the recognition of Catholicism. In addition, he set rules and instituted changes in the Church, such as changes in the text of the Bible and changes to the liturgy. -
Investiture Controversy
An argument between Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV of Germany over who had the power to choose the bishops: the emperor or the pope. This led to Pope Gregory excommunicating Henry IV, who then traveled to the town of Canossa to beg the Pope to lift the excommunication. The two then compromised: bishops would be chosen by the Church, and the emperor was allowed to say if he agreed or not. This distinguished certain powers in the Church -
The Beginning of the Crusades
In attempt to reclaim the Holy Land from the Muslims, Western Christians went on expeditions to Jerusalem. This resulted in a series of religious wars, as the Muslims also saw the Holy Land as a sacred place. This went on until 1291, when the last Christian post fell. -
The Babylonian Captivity of the Popes.
The Pope was convinced by the French to move from Rome and take up residence in Avignon, France. All seven popes from 1309 to 1377 were held prisoner in Avignon, although still living in luxury. in 1378, Gregory XI moved the papal residence back to Rome. -
Gutenberg Invents the Printing Press
Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press, allowing for a more efficient mass distribution of written texts, such bibles (which were the first texts printed with the press). The printing press later helped spread Martin Luther's message, along with other ideas throughout Europe. -
Period: 1513 to 1534
Medici Family as Popes
Two members of the Medici family ruled as popes during this timespan, but they appeared to care more about the power the role gave them than the role itself. They built magnificent churches in Florence and Rome, including a reconstruction of St. Peter's Church. -
The Start of the Reformation
Angry about the selling of indulgences from the church, Martin Luther broke away and established his own. He published the "95 Theses", exposing the church through written text (which was spread with the help of the printing press). His teachings became the religion of Lutheranism, which spread throughout Europe. -
King Henry VIII Creates the Church of England
Henry VIII was a member of the Catholic church, but wished to divorce his first wife, Catherine, something against Catholic law. He left the church and started the Church of England, where he allowed divorce, and continued to divorce, marry, and behead (yikes!) various wives.