Significant People and Events in the Environment - Canada

  • Commission of Conservation, founded in 1909, dissolved

    Commission of Conservation, founded in 1909, dissolved
  • The St. Roch Boat Launched In Vancouver, BC

    The St. Roch Boat Launched In Vancouver, BC
    The St. Roch, was first launched for the use of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The ship would later be the first to successfully cross through the Northwest Passage, starting for Vancouver, BC to Atlantic Canada. (Cloutier) This event is significant as this ship would be able to explore and discover the natural environment of Canada’s northern regions.
  • Canada National Parks Act goes into law

    Canada National Parks Act goes into law
    James Bernard Harkin played a major role in Canada's national parkds and helped draft the Canada's National Parks Act. (James Bernard Harkin, Person of National Historic Significance)
  • Reginald Whittemore founded what would be Nature Canada, launching the “Canadian Nature” Magazine

    Reginald Whittemore founded what would be Nature Canada, launching the “Canadian Nature” Magazine
    Reginald Whittemore created the Canadian Nature magazine in memory of his wife, and eventually, help spread environmental ideals over Canada and assisted in government legislation (“History of Nature Canada”) This event was significant because it is one of the oldest charities with a focus on protecting the Canadian environment. Their messages help spread the idea of environmentalism to common citizens and helped instigated change for legislation relating the wildlife and environment of Canada.
  • Wilfrid Bennett Lewis develops a new nuclear reactor, the NRU Reactor after Canada's first reactors start up

    Wilfrid Bennett Lewis develops a new nuclear reactor, the NRU Reactor after Canada's first reactors start up
    This person is significant because his designs for the NRU Nuclear Reactors after the start-up of Canada's first reactors would later lead to the CANDU Nuclear Reactors. The CANDU Reactors provides energy to communities in Canada and Internationally. (Robertson) This provides one alternative energy source that produces less air pollution that impacts the air quality in comparison to other traditional energy sources.
  • Canadian Wildlife Service (originally called Dominion Wildlife Service) founded

    Canadian Wildlife Service (originally called Dominion Wildlife Service) founded
  • The Red River Flood occurs in Manitoba, From Emerson to Winnipeg

    The Red River Flood occurs in Manitoba, From Emerson to Winnipeg
  • Clarence Decatur Howe, Minister of Trade and Commerce, sponsored a Trans-Canadian natural gas pipeline along with Canadian and American businesspeople

    Clarence Decatur Howe, Minister of Trade and Commerce, sponsored a Trans-Canadian natural gas pipeline along with Canadian and American businesspeople
    How has the pipeline debates in the 1950’s shaped the views of pipelines in Canada over time in the perspective of the government, politicians, the environment, and of the private sector to this day?
  • WWF Canada founded

    WWF Canada founded
  • Donald Chant co-founded Pollution Probe

    Donald Chant co-founded Pollution Probe
  • Greenpeace was founded

    Greenpeace was founded
    How has Canada and other governments been impacted by the efforts of Greenpeace since their establishment?
  • Maurice Strong took office of the UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme)

    Maurice Strong took office of the UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme)
    What was Canada’s contribution Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in 1972 to Maurice Strong's time at the UNEP?
  • Green Party of Canada founded with Dr. Trevor Hancock being the first leader

    Green Party of Canada founded with Dr. Trevor Hancock being the first leader
    What were the Green Party initial values, beliefs and morals and how has those ideals changed over time in order to reflect Canadian’s needs and concerns?
  • Montreal Protocol was signed

    Montreal Protocol was signed
    The Montreal Protocol was a measure under the United Nations to reduce greenhouse gases that damages the ozone layer. It has been considered a major success by also reducing gases that contribute to climate change (Zaelke). This is a significant event as it was an agreement where governments around the world worked in unison in order to prevent further damage to the environment, and is showing continued success to this day by many governments and other groups.
  • Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come and other aborginals protests the building of Dams by paddling to New York

    Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come and other aborginals protests the building of Dams by paddling to New York
  • The Canadian Environmental Protection Act becomes law

    The Canadian Environmental Protection Act becomes law
  • Prime Minister Jean Chrétien ratified the Kyoto Protocol

    Prime Minister Jean Chrétien ratified the Kyoto Protocol
    The Kyoto Protocol was an agreement was created in Japan and set out guidelines for different countries to reduce their environmental impact by reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Chartland). This event was significant as it shows the possibility for different governments, including Canada, to work together in order to tackle a global issue. In addition, it shows the world Canada’s commitment to think in the long term.
  • David Suzuki named is Companion of the Order of Canada

    David Suzuki named is Companion of the Order of Canada
  • Peter Kent, Minister of Environment, announced Canada would be dropping from the Kyoto Accord

    Peter Kent, Minister of Environment, announced Canada would be dropping from the Kyoto Accord
  • Canada joins the Paris Climate Agreement, COP21

    Canada joins the Paris Climate Agreement, COP21
    How has the citizens of different nations and government responded to the outlined information in the agreement?