The day I was born! -
Parent Reading Circles in School
In elementary school, parents would bring stories to read to the students. I really loved these days and they got me interested in reading. -
Read Where The Red Fern Grows
During math class, I read books under my table. Where the Red Fern Grows was the story that made me cry for the first time - I was bawling in the middle of class! This was the first time a book made me feel so much emotion. -
Read a Book I Did Not Like
I had to read a book for class. I did not like it and refused to read it, but I couldn't return the book to the library because I had to finish it for school. This book made me dislike reading. -
Discovered Manga
I found comic books! I immediately loved manga and they restarted my love for reading. I read manga every day and bought the newest editions every time they came out on the weekends. I made a lot of friends because of manga and they made me love to explore new ideas and cultures. -
Read the Longest Book I've Ever Read
It was at least 500 pages and I read it in two days! My mom told me I couldn't do it - so I did - and I loved it. This made me a fanatical reader. I still binge-read books - the longer the better. -
Discovered Howl's Moving Castle
I watched the movie because I knew of manga. I read the book because I loved the movie. I loved the book more than the movie. This became my favorite book, and I still love it. It is my number one favorite book and I've read it too many times to count. -
Discovered Books in Different Languages
I found a community online which translates books from Chinese to English. This made me realize that there are books that I may love that I can't even read because of language barriers! There are so many more opportunities than what are in my circle of knowledge. Translating books became one of my favorite hobbies. -
Still Translating Books!
I still love to translate books from different languages into English. I learned Japanese to make it easier for me to translate, and now I've moved on to translating books from Chinese to English. I still read fanatically - and if a book is less than 300 pages (or 100 chapters) long, I think it is light reading.