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significant life events or milestones throughout adulthood

  • 18

    An adult, get drivers licence, move out of home, have a job, go to university, legally drink
  • 22-28

    Finish university, travel, settle down, find a partner, think about kids, first employment years, fall in love for the first time
  • 28-33

    Marriage, have kids, mature as a person more, metabolism starts to change, most of your friends are engaged, married, pregnant or have kids, settle down (or think about it)
  • 33-40

    kids start schooling, back to work from maternity leave, money becomes more important, your parents may need to be taken care of
  • 40-50

    kids transition to high school, menopause transition, chances of breast cancer increase, changes in vision
  • 50

    Menopause, kids go to university or are in high school, loose hair, hair turn grey, body slows down, bone density decreases, go through lots of body changes both internal and physical
  • 51-60

    Become a grandparent, experience hearing loss
  • 75-85

    Friends die, muscles slow down, possibly die, retire, pension, possibility of retirement homes
  • 85-110

    die in this time frame, retirement home, friends might die, possibility of having great-grand kids