The First Move
- The first house that I lived in was about 30 minutes outside of town. My dad and mom had work two towns over, which was about an hours drive from our house. My parents finally decided to move into that town so they wouldn't have to drive so far.
First Day of School
My first day of school was scary and exciting at the same time. I started Pre-K at a small school that went up to the first grade I think. There were so many new faces, and I am a very shy person. I remember a girl coming up to me and saying hi. -
Family Trip to Montana
The trip to Montana was our first big family trip.We lived in Oklahoma at the time and had a blast in the car on the way up there. We went up so my brother and I could meet our grandparents and other relatives for the first time. -
Riding a horse for the first time
My first time riding a horse was at my second house. We lived on twelve acres, and there were two houses on the property. The other person had two horses, one that was green broke, the other was completely wild. I was able to ride the one that was green broke with the owner in the saddle also. He got the horse into a gallop. It was so much fun! -
Our Second Move
Our second move was to Arizona. My dad had been down here for four months before he came back and brought everyone down. For the first couple of days we did not have water and electricity. We also had to wait for all of our things to arrive, that took about two days. -
Getting My Own Horse
When we moved down here from Oklahoma I was promised a horse. This promised was fulfilled in 2010 around the time of my birthday. I was even able to choose my own horse. I chose a yearling palomino mare. She was the sweetest thing ever! -
The Trip to Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico
On the trip to Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico we went to visit my great grandmother for the first time along with my grandparents again. In Colorado I was able to see my half sister and her new husband. In New Mexico we went to a lot of tourist attractions, then came back to Arizona. -
Went to Australia
I went to Australia in 2012 with the People to People Ambassador Program. I stayed there for a little over two weeks and met so many life long friends. I was able to snorkel the Great Barrier Reef, have a VIP tour of the Sydney Opera House, and hike to many beautiful waterfalls. -
First Day of High School
My first day of high school was a little intimidating for me. The high school had so many more people than the junior high school did. They were also really tall! -
Deciding to Graduate Early
When I decided tat I was going to graduate early it was life changing. At first I honestly did not think I could accomplish such a feat, but that didn't stop me from doing so. I was already a year ahead in math, and they also offered a class were you could get credits from taking a class online. I wasn't able to take English before the school year was over, so that's why I am here.