The Complex Number Calculator (CNC)
Inventor: George Robert Stibitz
The CNC was a huge accomplishment in the computing world. It demonstrated complex computations in a remote location for the first time. In some ways it could be considered a direct predecessor to current day portable computers AKA laptops/calculators. -
Inventor: Tommy Flowers
This computer was made in Britain and was used to decipher Nazi codes during World War 2. It is a pivotal point in computer history for not only helping to shorten the war, but also paving the industry as the world's first "digital" computer. -
Williams Tube
Inventors: Tom Kilburn and Freddie Williams
The Williams Tube is considered the very first RAM storage device. It used a cathode ray tube and static electricity to cycle faster than the older delay line memory units. -
Manchester "Baby" Computer Program
Inventor: Tom Kilburn
This was the first computer program run digitally, electronically, and stored. It contained 17 instructions and paved the way for all future computer programs. -
Inventor: Floyd Steele
The Maddida (AKA Magnetic Drum Digital Differential Analyzer) used Boolean algebra to solve differential equations. This special purpose computer was gained commercial support and therefore helped accelerate the computing industry to where it is today.