Boston Latin School Opens
In 1635 boston town officials saw a need for a school master, basically a teacher, to help raise children academically as well as mentally. As a result the first public school opens in Massachusetts, Boston Latin School. BLS was primarily founded by donations and although it claimed to be public, only admitted male students as well as male instructors. Main point of this school was to educate students so that in the future could attend Harvard college. -
Old Deluder Satan act of 1647
This act was created as a direct result of pressure the government felt by Puritan leaders. This act was made it mandatory for every town in Massachusetts that has over fifty families to have a elementary school and every town with 100 families es to have a Latin school as well. They wanted to implement act to have puritan children the ability to read the Bible and get information about there religion. -
Boston English opens
In 1820 the first public high school opened in the U.S.. Boston English was made to prepare students for jobs in higher educations such as buissness and trading. This was different then Boston Latin who focused on more ministry or college. The importance of those was it gave students a another route instead of going straight to college they could learn to work in the field they wanted to later enter. -
Massachusetts makes all grade level schooling free
In 1827 Massachusetts passed a law making both Public high school and elementary school free for all students. The only requirement they had was that the town have over 500 people. This now allowed everyone to have a clear path to education regardless of family back ground. With that education it allowed them to have jobs as mechanics and businessmen straight out of school and provider for there future familes. -
Massachusetts passes compulsory education law
In 1851 Massachusetts passes the first compulsory education law. The purpose of this law to help immigrant children become “civilized.” Not to help them necessarily, but so that they would make good workers. They passed this to try and teach them “ obedience”. -
African Americans bring public education to the south
From 1865 to 1877 African Americans were wring to get education to the south for the first time after the civil war. Since slavery was abolished, African Americans were able to work with white republicans To help guarantee free educations for black children. They were able to do this by rewriting the state constitution for the first time. Helping black children be able to get abilities such as writing and reading due to it being illegal in most southern states. -
Plessy v ferguson
In 1986, the us Supreme Court ruled that Louisiana could segregate schools so long as they were equal. Of course they weren’t equal but it allowed other states to follow suit and allow legal segregated between “colored and whites” -
Brown vs board of education
This was one of the most important moments in education. It deemed that all segregated schools were unequal. Either by funding or amenities it provided. After this civil right ruling it deemed wrong and provided a pathway to abolish segregated schools. -
Little Rock arkansas
In 1957, Federal court ordered a Little Rock central high school to intergrate. To no ones surprise, they did not want to intergrate, what did come to a surprise was when they attempted to use military to defy government orders. This resulted in President Eisenhower to bring in his military to help the 9 students enter the school. -
Title IX
In 1972, a federal civil rights law was passed that prevented any discrimination based on sex in any education program when looking to get federal assistance. Basically meaning women would not longer be discriminated when applying for assistance to attend school. It helped women have a support system as well if they felt a establishment was discriminating against them. -
Pyler vs Doe
In 1975, Texas legislation reviewed there law denying students their ability to enroll in school based on citizenship. No longer could a student be denied if they weren’t legally admitted in the state. They deemed not letting undocumented students the right to enroll into public schools was unconstitutional. As a result all students wether illegal or not were allowed to enroll in private school. -
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act
In 1975 EHA was passed and the importance of this was it now forced any schoool receiving federal funds also had to provide equal access to children who had mental/physical disabilities. The act was for schools to focus on creating a plan, with the parents, to help students with disabilities the opportunity to get a education. It also gave schools federal funds that they could put forward to helping students with disabilities.