Worldhistory 1

Significant Events of the 20th Centuries

By limo14
  • Period: to

    19th to 20th Century

  • Mass production eg vehicle

    Mass production eg vehicle
    A mass production of cars happened in 1913. The idea was to make cars cheaper for people to buy. So they found a way produce cars at a record-breaking rate.
  • end of WW1

    end of WW1
    After 4 years of war, ww1 finally ended on the 11 of November 1918. It ended by Germany surrendering and signing a treaty. They surrendering because they were running out of supplies from the blockade and their alliance was falling apart as other country’s surrendered.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was the peace agreement made by France, Britain, and USA to punish Germany for the First World War. Some of the things it said were:
    1. Accept the new map of Europe.
    2. Accept the decisions made by the new League of Nations
    3. Limit the size of its army and navy.
    4. To give up its empire
    5. To accept blame for the war and to pay reparations to the countries that suffered damage
  • The Jazz Age

    The Jazz Age
    In the 1920s (before the great depression) everyone in America seemed to have money. There were new styles of hair and clothes as well as a new type of music.....Jazz.
  • Invention of television

    Invention of television
    The first television was invented on the 7th of September 1927. The first colour TV invented on December 17, 1953.
  • Market Crash of 1929

    	Market Crash of 1929
    In the 1920s the stock market was a popular thing and lots of people began investing it. The more people invested in it the high the price rose. With so many people ordering things, people couldn't keep up with the orders, which then caused the market to close down.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The great depression started in USA after the stock market crash. The market crash caused many banks and other industries the close down. Which meant thousands of people lost their jobs.
  • 1938 Day of Mourning

    1938 Day of Mourning
    austraila day in 1938 was the 150 year aversary of the first fleet arrivng on Australia. it was also the day the aborigionals lost there homeland, so on this day a group of Aboriginal people met in Sydney to demand equality.
  • Start of WWII

    Start of WWII
    Hitler had started taking over countries before the war had started but they were to reason as they were German speaking countries. France and Britain did nothing (to avoid another war), until Germany attacked Poland which forced France and Britain into action. This then started WW2.
  • Japanese Attack of Pearl Harbour

    Japanese Attack of Pearl Harbour
    On the 7th of December 1941 the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the US naval base at the pearl harbour. They attacked by bombing the place which killed 2,400 Americans.
  • Bombing of Darwin

    Bombing of Darwin
    On 19th of February 1942 japan bombed Darwin for the first time. The attack was 2 sets of air raids which destroyed many military bases and a hospital.
  • Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

    Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
    On August 6, 1945, the United States bombed Hiroshima with nothing other than a nuclear bomb. The bomb destroyed the entire city and it took many generations to recover from it.
  • Declaration of Human Rights

    Declaration of Human Rights
    Declaration of human rights happened in 1948. Where the united nations were first created to avoid another world war. They decided to give every human their own right.
  • Melbourne Olympics

    Melbourne Olympics
    In 1956 the Olympics happened in Melbourne. It was the first to be outside of Europe and USA as well as being the first from the southern hemisphere.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    President Kennedy decided to place a naval blockade to quarantine any Russian ships. To avoid a nuclear war the Russian leader decided to remove the nukes from Cuba.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream…” speech

    Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream…” speech
    On the 28th of august 1963 Martin Luther King Jr.’s addressed America. He said that he had a dream that one day we will be all be equal and we won’t be criticized because of the colour of our skin.
  • Australian Freedom Rides

    Australian Freedom Rides
    On February 12 1965 a group of university students from Sydney did a tour to the western and coastal New South Wales towns. This was the show the people of Sydney the poor state of health the aboriginals were in.
  • Invention of the internet

    Invention of the internet
    The internet was an idea that started in the early 1960s which then became reality in the late 60s. It was shown to the public in 1969.
  • invention of mobile phone

    invention of mobile phone
    On the 3rd of April 1973 in Manhattan the first mobile phone call was made. The phone weighed 2.5 pounds and had a single line text only LED screen.
  • Release of Crocodile Dundee

    Release of Crocodile Dundee
    Crocodile Dundee was a movie based on Australian crocodile hunter who travels to New York City. It shows how an Australian outback hunter would react to the modern day city life.
  • United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child

    United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child
    In 1989 united nation decided that all children under 18 years of age should be given certain rights such as protection and education. They also wanted to remind the world that children have rights too.
  • the fall of the berlin wall

    the fall of the berlin wall
    The berlin wall was made to keep the east side of Germany from crossing over to the west side. Many people tried to cross the wall some succeeded, others weren’t so lucky. After many protests from both sides of Germany, East Germany finally decided let the berlin gates open.