Signalization Change Order Time Line

  • Gilchrist Weekly Progress Agenda from Thursday, August 25, 2016

    Item 6)c) Public Information - Need direction from DOTD regarding any temporary signals at LA 318 in phase 2. This item on the agenda shows that GCC was aware of OV's concern about the need for traffic lights at the intersections of the ramps/temporary Hwy 90 and LA 318 as early as if not earlier than August 25, 2016.
  • Email To :J. J. Hickey, GCC From : Wayne Marchand, GEC .004932.6 Left Turn Lanes/Signal Light during Phase II

    Requesting information regarding study to determine if left
    and right turn lanes off Hwy 90 were necessary.
  • Email To: J. J. Hickey, GCC From:Tim Nickel, LDOTD Transmitta1178 Temporary Traffic Signals at LA 318 (H.004932)

    Traffic Signal is required when traffic is to placed on the ramps.
  • Letter To :J. J. Hickey, GCC From :Tim Nickel, LDOTD

    LDOTD directs GCC to prepare plans and timing documentation for installing
    temporary traffic signals at the Hwy 90/LA 318 ramp intersections.
  • Email To: J. J. Hickey, GCC From: Amelia Wayne, GoTech

    Transmitting November 7, 2016 letter to Gilchrist
  • Email To:Tim Nickel, LDOTD From: J, J. Hickey, GCC

    GCC working aggressively with designers and subcontractors to
    have signals in place within the next few weeks. Requests using
    DOTD equipment and replacing.
  • Email To: J. J. Hickey, GCC From :Wayne Marchand, GEC

    Checking on available equipment.
  • Letter To: Tim Nickel, LDOTD From: J, J. Hickey, GCC

    GCC acknowledges receipt of 11/07/2016 letter and requests a
    change order be generated to cover costs for the design and
    installation of the signals and time impacts to the Critical Path
    of the project caused by the design and installation and any long
    lead items needed for signalization. Additional time requests will
    be documented with the approved CPM schedule.
  • Email To: Tim Nickel, LDOTD From: Sherri Willis, GCC

    Request for Change Order for Temporary Traffic Signals Phase 2
  • Email TO: J. J. Hickey, GCC FROM: Wayne Marchand, GEC

    Requests GCC opinion on whether signalization is necessary
    based on Safety Purposes.
  • Email TO: Tim Nickel, LDOTD FROM: Wayne Marchand, GEC

    Notifying Tim of past emails to GCC requesting
    information on GCC's and Stantec's position on the need for
    turn lanes and signalization. No replies. Meeting at District 03 to discuss
    traffic switch, information disclosed by District that the existing
    light at LA 318 was installed due to accident history.
  • Email TO: Cindy Hall, Stantec FROM: Tim Nickel, LDOTD

    Revised MOT-2 plans submittal for EB ramp turn lane and temporary
    signals. Requesting a design review meeting on 11/22/2016 at

    District 03 office or conference call.
  • Email TO: Cindy Hall, Stantec FROM: Wayne Marchand, GEC

    Review of revised MOT-2 and temporary speed limit.
  • Email TO: Wayne Marchand, Kent Israel; GEC FROM: Cindy Hall, Stantec

    Speed Limit reduction to 45 MPH during swap only, Stantec availability for discussion.
  • Email TO: Cindy Hall, Stantec FROM: Wayne Marchand, GEC

    Trying to set up Meeting, reduction of speed limit to 45 MPH.
  • Email TO: Wayne Marchand, GEC; FROM: Cindy Hall, Stantec Kent Israel, GEC

    Meeting next day?
  • Email TO: Tim Nickel, LDOTD FROM: J, J. Hickey, GCC

    Revised signal design complete, proposed electrical and signal installation costs
  • Letter TO: J. J. Hickey, GCC FROM: Tim Nickel, LDOTD

    Adds Temporary turn lane to EastBound Hwy 90 Ramp
  • Email TO: Tim Nickel, LDOTD FROM: Wayne Marchand, GEC

    History of email sent to JJ regarding safety of intersection, and need for signals and turn lane, but JJ never responded.
  • Email TO: Tim Nickel, LDOTD FROM: J, J. Hickey, GCC

    Submission of proposed electrical costs for signal installation
  • Letter TO: J. J. Hickey, GCC FROM: Tim Nickel, LDOTD

    Accepts revised traffic and signalization plans submitted by GCC and Stantec.
  • Email TO: Nicholas Fruge, LDOTD Dist. 03 FROM: Wayne Marchand, GEC

    Requests Nick's review of proposed electrical costs submitted by EP Breaux for signals
  • Email TO: J. J. Hickey, GCC FROM: Tim Nickel, LDOTD

    Acceptance of revised RFC plans for the East and West Bound Ramps and LA 318 to add temporary turn lane to EB ramp and temporary traffic signals.
  • Email TO: Wayne Marchand, GEC FROM: Nicholas Fruge, LDOTD Dist. 03

    Estimated cost of signals from LDOTD
  • Email TO: Wayne Marchand, GEC; FROM: Tim Nickel, LDOTD J, J. Hickey, GCC

    Information regarding cost breakdown for design and construction costs for turn lane.
  • Email TO: J. J. Hickey, GCC FROM: Wayne Marchand, GEC

    District 03's comments on signals, question regarding Mast Arm, coordination between EP Breaux and District 03.
  • Letter J. J. Hickey, GCC Tim Nickel, LDOTD

    LDOTD agrees to pay for the temporary signalization
  • Email TO: J. J. Hickey, GCC FROM: Wayne Marchand, GEC

    GCC's request for change order, question of who will bear the
    cost of turn lane.
  • Email TO: J. J. Hickey, GCC FROM: Wayne Marchand, GEC

    Memo for Tim's signature Suggesting that GCC proceed with work on turn lane to take advantage of any good weather.
  • Email TO: Wayne Marchand, GEC; FROM: Tim Nickel, LDOTD J, J. Hickey, GCC

    Response to email regarding comments on GCC change order cost proposal.
  • Email TO: J. J. Hickey, GCC FROM: Wayne Marchand, GEC

    Mutually agreed costs breakdown for signalization installation. Loaning of equipment by Dist. 03.
  • Email TO: J. J. Hickey, GCC FROM: Wayne Marchand, GEC

    Request for final cost breakdown for the installation of signals.
  • Email TO: Wayne Marchand, GEC FROM: J, J. Hickey, GCC

    Cost Breakdown for Signalization Installation.
  • Email TO: J. J. Hickey, GCC FROM: Wayne Marchand, GEC

    Request for Signalization Cost breakdown.
  • Email TO: Wayne Marchand, GEC FROM: , J. Hickey, GCC

    Understanding of marked up cost proposal submitted by EP Breaux
  • Letter TO: Tim Nickel, LDOTD FROM: J, J. Hickey, GCC

    GCC acknowledges receipt of 11/07/2016 letter and request additional time and monies attributable to this change order. GCC change order cost and time proposal.