Sierra's timeline

  • Blues Clues

    Blues Clues
    Every single day of my child hood i would sit in my bedroom floor with my two sisters and watch Blues Clues. IT was my absolute favorite show. It would be something that i would look forward to all day.
  • Green eggs & ham

    Green eggs & ham
    When i was preschool we would always read the book green eggs and ham and the teachers would supply us with actual green eggs and ham.
  • Coloring

    I remember being given like crayons or markers for a school project when i was in kindergarten. I colored of the kitchen walls and table, and i remember my mom finding it and being upset with me.
  • Hand Turkeys

    Hand Turkeys
    All through elementary school before i moved to Bath County we would make hand turkeys a lot. My grandmother still has at least 5 of my hand turkeys from kindergarten. Around Thanksgiving we would paint our hands and make poems to go with them.
  • The Newspaper

    The Newspaper
    When i was about 4 or 5 i wrote and drew a picture of the weather for a newspaper in Stanford , Kentucky. This was when i first found out that I loved to draw and color. My grandmother still has this cut out of the newspaper.
  • Magic School Bus

    Magic School Bus
    In science class there would always be a episode of the magic school bus to go with the lesson. I feel like I learned so much from this show. I know it probably sounds lame, but if the teacher were to put on the magic school bus i would sit down and watch it without a complaint.
  • First Dog

    First Dog
    When i was 8 i got my first dog. At this time in my life i had to learn how to become responsible for something. I would observe what how my parents would take care of the dog and i would start doing what they would do.
  • Scary Movies

    Scary Movies
    I remember being younger and and watching old scary movies with my parents. We would always pick a day in the weekend, and binge watch old movies that they would watch when they were my age. I really enjoyed spending time with them.
  • Concerts

    When i was in elementary school my parents took me to many concerts for special events like my birthday. These were my favorite things to go to. My family and I always had so much fun!
  • Art Class

    Art Class
    In elementary school we would watch Mark Kistler almost everyday in art class. We would watch videos on how to draw certain things. One time we had to draw a dinosaur.