Sierra Kenny - Personal Engineering and Technology Timeline

  • My Birth

    I was born on March 10, 2001 in Washington D.C.
  • The AbioCor Artificial Heart is introduced

    The AbioCor Artificial Heart is introduced
    On July 2, 2001, the AbioCor artificial heart was put into its first patient. It is very well known as the first device that works on its own, without any external wires and fixings being attached. The company's goal with this project is to create a heart that will last an entire patient's lifespan, without any malfunctions
  • Apple Introduces First iPod

    Apple Introduces First iPod
    On October 23, 2001 Apple released their first iPod. With Apple's iTunes Software, people were to download many songs and albums all into one, small, simple device. Since there was such an abundant amount of storage capacity, people no longer had to carry CD's or cassette tapes around with them.
  • The Blu-ray was Introduced

    The Blu-ray was Introduced
    The original idea of Blu-ray was first introduced on February 19, 2002. The reason behind this invention was to give people a better quality and more high definition video, all while keeping all of it within a single, simple disc. This caused movies and videos to be put at their best, and the audience was more pleased with what they were watching.
  • Teleportation of Laser Beam

    Teleportation of Laser Beam
    During a research project taking place at the Australian National University, scientists were able to teleport a laser beam 1.6 meters. The process that took place includes using light and matter in order to move an object from one location to another. This ground-breaking experiment took place in the year of 2002.
  • Facebook was Founded

    Facebook was Founded
    On February 4, 2004 in Cambridge, Maryland, Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, and Chris Hughes founded Facebook. It was originally created as a social media source where Harvard students could interact and communicate with each other. But it became so popular that 1.71 billion people throughout the world are able to interact with each other.
  • Brother's Birth

    My youngest sibling, Isaiah, was born in Richmond, VA on October 4, 2004.
  • YouTube is Invented

    YouTube is Invented
    YouTube was introduced on February 14, 2005, 11 years ago. It allows people to upload videos about whatever they wish, while also allowing others to view, like, dislike, and comment upon, based on their personal opinion. Each month there is approximately 1 billion users visiting the site, or one out of every two people who use the Internet.
  • The First iPhone is Released

    The First iPhone is Released
    In the year 2007, Apple introduced a new invention that has changed the way people live their everyday lives today. They created a new form of communication that you could both interact and send text messages to others, while also being able to access the internet and takes photos and save music to.
  • Sandia National Laboratories announces Smart Bullet

    Sandia National Laboratories announces Smart Bullet
    In the year 2012, Sandia National Laboratories made an annoucement that they had created a bullet that could hit a target right on the dot, from for than a mile away. This new invention was made to make sure that there was not much collateral damage while aiming at a target in an urban or warlike situation.
  • Elementary School Graduation

    I graduated from Twin Hickory Elementary School on June 8, 2012.
  • New Doggies

    My family got two new boxers, named Dizzy and Louis, on October 30, 2012.
  • Middle School Graduation

    I graduated from Holman Middle School on June 11, 2015.
  • First Day of High School

    My first day at Deep run High School was September 8, 2015.
  • Getting my Permit

    I took my permit test, for the second time, and passed!!! woohooooooo