I was a zygote
One sperm from the thousands fertilized the egg and I was conceived. -
Period: to
Prenatal Stage
Start of physical development
I started my physical development, starting to develop hands and feet. Also my heart, spine and brain started to form. -
Finished development as an embryo
My cells reproduced to form most of my body. Now in my final prenatal stage which is fetus. -
Physical Development complete
My hands, feet, brain, and heart have all formed but have very little use. I have started to kick my mom to just remind her that I am here. The kicking has started due to brain forming connections to other parts in the brain (cognitive dev). -
I am born into this world
(Cognitive dev) Thalic brain connections have formed.
(Physical dev) Bones fully formed and nails have grown till the fingertips. I have come into this world healthy and well thanks to my mom staying clear of teratogens. -
Sensorimotor Stage of Piaget's Theory
I had started using my senses to understand my world and form shemas, mainly using hearing because my eye sight was horrible. My behavior was all reflexes. -
Period: to
Piaget's Sesorimotor Stage
Period: to
Kohlberg's Preconventional Stage
Period: to
Erickson Trust vs Mistrust
Erickson's theory of Trust vs Mistrust
When I was hungry I started crying, hoping my parents would give me food and luckily they did. This allowed me to trust them because they always gave me what I wanted. -
My first words!!
I had officially said "Mama!" when I was playing with my mom (Motor and Cognitive Development). -
I could now stand up and try to walk to my toys but would always fall (Motor Development). -
Period: to
Erickson's Autonomy vs Shame
My first steps!!
When we went to the mall once, I wanted to explore, and with the help of my new skill: walking, no one could stop me!! I ended up coming back to my parents, who were running around the mall trying to find me, with a security guard and a lollipop in my mouth. (Motor Development) -
Harlow's Theory
At my sister's birthday party, I was scared by so many strangers coming up to me and my parents, that everytime someone came I always hid behind my dad's soft pants because my mom's abayya was annoying and itchy. This relates to Harlow's monkey test. -
I could now say short sentences!!
We had gone to the mall, and I really wanted sugar so I said, "I want lollipop," and I got it (Cognitive and Motor Development). This relates to Piaget's Preoperational stage when children start to talk. -
Period: to
Piaget's Preoperational Stage
Potty Training
I can now control my bladder! I no longer have to wear those itchy pampers! This refers to Freud's Anal Stage and Erickson's Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt. -
Ainsworth's Secure Attachment Theory
It was my first day in daycare, and my parents were talking to the teacher. So, I started playing with the toys but when they left I felt scared because I was in a strange situation. A teacher came to me to try and stop my crying. I felt even more scared because I was having stranger anxiety. Luckily my parents came and I ran into my mom's arms and never went to that daycare again. -
Period: to
Erickson's Initiative vs Guilt
Freud's Phallic Stage
I had figured out that there were boys and girls and realized that I was a boy. I then competed with my father for the attention of my mother. If both of them were laying down watching tv, I would get in the middle of them in an attempt to get closer to my mom. -
Forming Schemas
In kindergarten now, and just forming schemas of my world. I thought only kids wear cartoon shirts and assimilated that throughtout the year. But on character day all my teachers were wearing cartoon shirts so I had to accomodate that schema. -
Period: to
Erickson's Industry vs Inferiority
Preconventional Stage in Kohlberg's Theory
I fought with my sister and when my parents asked me what happened I blamed it on her when really I was the one who started it by ripping her doll's head off. This shows egocentrism because I did what's best for me not what is right. -
Period: to
Piaget's Concrete Stage
Piaget's Concrete Operation's Stage
In science I learned that objects have the same volume, area, and number even if their form has changed. (Concepts of Conservation) -
Period: to
Kohlberg's Conventional Stage
Erickson's Theory of Intiative vs Guilt
Right before going into middle school, my parents sat me down and told me that I have to do good in school and I asked "Why?"
They told me so I can be successful later in life. -
Period: to
Piaget's Formal Stage
Conventional Stage in Kohlberg's Theory
A few days ago I cheated on two questions on my science test and after looking back at it, I decided that I didn't want to be someone like that so I told the teacher what happened. -
Erickson's Industry vs Inferiority
Today in school I felt scared in math class because all the other kids knew how to find x and I didn't. But in English I felt so good because I knew more than most of the students. -
Erickson's Theory of Identity vs Role Confusion
Today I found the perfect group of people to hang out with. we all have the same interests and some of the same concepts. -
Period: to
Erickson's Identity vs Role Confusion
Piaget's Formal Operation's Stage
In eighth grade I learned to contrast ideas in my head. I could form a debate in my head about a certain idea. I also learned how to reflect on the way I solved a certain problem and learn from it for the next time, especially for math problem solving. -
Period: to
Kohlberg's Postconventional Stage
My Parents' Parenting Style
Today I realized my parents are authoritative, not permissive nor authoritative, because when I wanted to go out they asked if I had done my homework. I said no and therefore they didn't let me go out. However when I finished it a few hours later, they let me go out because I followed their one rule. -
I get accepted to university
I receive my acceptance to MIT with a full scholarship. -
I am officially done with high school and on my way to MIT! -
Genital Stage in Freud's Theory
Today I lost my virginity with my girlfriend. -
Kohlberg's Postconventional Stage
After coming to the States for university I have started to question why society is so against gay marriage. I don't understand what society loses from two people happy together. -
Period: to
Erickson's Intimacy vs Isolation
Meet My Future Wife
Today I have met a very nice girl and have very intimate thoughts about her. I think she is the one. -
Done with university!
I have graduated from MIT and will now start my job at Boeing. -
My girlfriend says YES!!!
Today I asked my girlfriend to marry me and she said YES!! -
Erickson's Theory of Inimacy vs Isolation
Today my fiancé and I had to figure out a way so we can spend more time with each other. We decided that every day we had to spend atleast one hour just talking to each other and forget work. -
We get married
Today I got married to my fiancé. -
My First Child is Born
My wife and I have our first child which is a boy. -
My Second Child is Born
We have our second child and it's a girl! -
Period: to
Erickson's Generativity vs Despair
My boy's graduation!
My son is now on his way to university! -
Erickson's Theory of Generativity vs Stagnation
I started to think “was this good for my family and I?” After thinking about it I decided that my life was on course and I was happy with my self-concept, even though I was not following the social clock. I had a great salary, I had a loving wife, and was on the way of getting a beautiful house for my coming children. -
My girl's graduation!
My daughter is going to university!! -
My Son's wedding
My son getting married!!!! -
My Daughter's Wedding!!
My daughter is married!! -
Period: to
Erickson's Integrity vs Despair
My Son's Kids
I meet my son's kids!! -
My Daughter's Kids
I meet my daughter's kids for the first time! -
Erickson's Theory of Integrity vs Despair
Today, I have reflected on my life and I am happy with how it went. I decided that I don't want my chldren to go through the same problems I have gone through so I must teach them what to do by using my crystalized intelligence. -
I was on my way home but a drunk driver crossed the red light and killed me.