Sicilian Mafia Timeline

  • Origins of the Mafia

    This was for economic reasons, as many people were poor and in need of money fast, so they turned to organised crime, in turn creating the mafia. "The Mafia owes its origins to and drew its members from the many small private armies, or mafie, that were hired by absentee landlords to protect their estates from bandits in the lawless conditions that prevailed over much of Sicily through the centuries." Britannica
  • Crackdown on the Mafia

    Prime Minister Benito Mussolini came to power in the 1920s and launched a crackdown on mobsters, whom he viewed as a threat to his fascist regime. This heavily decreased the Mafia's power and forced them underground. This was for political reasons, as Mussolini view them as a threat to his power and regime which are political things. [Wikipedia](
  • Mafia is cracked down on in Italy

    The Mafia's resilience despite Mussolini's crackdown highlights the complex relationship between organized crime and the state, highlighting the enduring power and resilience of the criminal organization despite government efforts.Wikipedia