Short Term SMART Goal

By gsindt
  • Short Term Smart Goal

    S: Pay off More of Car Loan
    M: I will pay off $1000 more dollars
    A: I will save 50% of each paycheck
    R: Saving that 50% has a greater opportunity cost then spending that money on wants
    T: I will save 50% of every paycheck for the next year
  • Step One

    Step One
    Plan when you can Work
    Organize schedule so you know when you can work.
  • Step Two

    Step Two
    Set up account for Saving
    Set up an account designated for saving so you are not tempted to spend that money.
  • Step Three

    Step Three
    Prioritize Work
    Give up some fun things to make time to work.
  • Step Four

    Step Four
    Don't give away hours, but even pick up extra shift when you can.
  • Step Five

    Step Five
    Deposit paycheck right away
    Don't wait to deposit the paycheck but get it into the bank right away.