S.M.A.R.T Goals

  • Step One

    Step One
    I will look up what it costs to get the watch I want
  • Step Two

    Step Two
    I will look for a job
  • Step Three

    Step Three
    I will apply for and get a job
  • Step Four

    Step Four
    I will save $30 dollars each paycheck
  • Short Term Goal

    Short Term Goal
    S: I will buy an apple watch
    M: I will save $500 dollars
    A: I will get a job and save $30 dollars each month
    R: I feel like an apple watch is more important to me right now
    T: I will by an apple watch by June of 2020
  • Step Five

    Step Five
    I will go to the store and get my watch
  • Long Term Goal

    Long Term Goal
    S: I will take a trip to Scotland
    M: I will save $3,000
    A: I will save $200 dollars each month
    R: I feel like saving money for Scotland is more important than saving for anything else right now
    T: I will have saved $3,000 by January of 2021
  • Step One

    Step One
    I will look up costs for planes to Scotland
  • Step Two

    Step Two
    I will start saving money to go to Scotland
  • Step Three

    Step Three
    Once I have the money, I will look up what flights I can take and when
  • Step Four

    Step Four
    I will figure out where I can stay in Scotland
  • Step Five

    Step Five
    I will pack my stuff and I will leave for Scotland