Short Term Goal

By kebmott
  • Short term

    Short term
    S: I'm going to save up for prom.
    M: I'm going to save $300 for prom shopping.
    A: I will put away 15 dollars every week from my job paycheck instead of spending it for my saturday junk food.
    R: I have determined that the opportunity cost of buying stuff for prom is more important to me than my saturday splurges.
    T: I will save for 5 months.
  • Step #1

    Step #1
    Start looking figuring out what needs to be cut out of my budget in order for me to start to save for prom.
  • Step #2

    Step #2
    I will need to start figuring out what type and color dress I'm looking for.
  • Step #3

    Step #3
    Start looking at prices of dresses at different stores to find which store is in my price range.
  • Step #4

    Step #4
    I need to start trying on dresses.
  • Step #5

    Step #5
    Buy my Prom dress and figure out how to do my makeup and what shoes I have that will go with the dress.
  • Step #6

    Step #6
    Go have fun at prom!!!