A short history of europe 1000002051

Short History of Europe

  • 400

    The Start Of The Middle ages

    The Start Of The Middle ages
    The decline of the roman empire
    Invasion of the barbarian; barbarian kingdoms are now setting up throughout Europe
  • Jan 1, 1300

    End Of The Middle Ages

    End Of The Middle Ages
    members of the upper class increased their Wealth-dramatically
    Bubonic Plague ("Black Death") - spread throughout Europe by fleas that fed on the blood of rodents
    Killed an estimated 25 - 50% of the population between 1347-1351
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Classes During This Time

    Classes During This Time
    Feudalism - a contract between the European upper classes
    a Lord (large landowner) would grant land to a man in return for military service (knights)
    Manorialism - the economic, social, and administrative system that dominated Europe
    Peasants farmed the Lord's land
    Peasants gave money, crops, and services as payment to the lord
    Peasants and Lords status was inherited
  • Jan 1, 1500


    Was a 16th century (1500's) religious revolution which ended the supremacy of the Catholic Church in Europe
    the Catholic Church held lots of power and influence
    owned between 1/5 and 1/3 of all European lands
    paid no taxes to· feudal lords, kings
    the only religious authority in Europe
    Martin Luther (1483-1546)
    born a peasant
    was highly educated
    entered a Catholic monastery to become a Priest
    He began to criticize the Church with the publishing of his "95 Theses": 3 important criticis
  • Jan 1, 1500


    Monarchies were at the height of their power
    Ruled by "divine right" - rule had been granted to them by God
    1500's Balance of Power (equality in power) - acts as a deterrent to war because there is too much risk
    Louis XIV of France
    ruled from 1643 -1715 (72 years)
    known as the "sun king"
    at one time he declared "I am the state"
    believed that the nation and the people lived to serve him
    personified royal pride, elegance, and lUXUry
    Gradual centralization of the social, economic, and political str
  • The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    "rebirth" of Europe
    Europe's first major step into the modern age
    Noted for an explosion of intellectual and artistic energy that had not been seen since Roman times
    It allowed for individualism in thought and belief
    Major effects:
    expansion of trade
    expanded industry - textiles, metals, ships were all required by merchants
    emergence of banking
    money was more standardized
    bankers gave loans, invested, identified worth of coin
    business class grew in importance
    towns grew in size (ex. Venice, Flor
  • The Middle Of The Middle Ages

    The Middle Of The Middle Ages
    Christianity began to dominate
    Crusades - Christian Europe began to fight against its foes
    "Soldiers of Christ" set out to capture the "Holy Land" from Muslims