Period: 509 BCE to 287 BCE
Early Roman Republic
494 BCE
First Plebeian Succession
Early on in the new Roman Republic, the plebeians found that they were being unfairly treated by the patricians and so they left the city to protest on top of (you guessed it) the Sacred Mountain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_secessio_plebis https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100451855#:~:text=The%20first%20secession%20is%20said,a%20hill%20NE%20of%20Rome. https://www.historyskills.com/classroom/ancient-history/anc-conflict-of-the-orders-reading/ -
471 BCE
The Tribune of the Plebs
The Plebeians were given a tribune which was incredibly powerful in the government since it gave them Veto powers against any laws that would harm the Plebs. The tribune was also declared Sacrosanct so that they could not be intimidated by patrician threats. https://www.historyskills.com/classroom/ancient-history/anc-conflict-of-the-orders-reading/ https://www.britannica.com/topic/plebeian-tribune -
451 BCE
Twelve Tables
After the Succession of the plebs in 494 BCE there was still some civil unrest in regards to the powers of the Patrician class. To ease the minds of the Plebs the Decemviri were elected and they created the Twelve Tables as an early bill of rights in essence. https://www.historyskills.com/classroom/ancient-history/anc-conflict-of-the-orders-reading/ https://www.britannica.com/topic/Law-of-the-Twelve-Tables
https://historycooperative.org/the-twelve-tables/ -
449 BCE
The Second Succession of the Plebs
In the Decemviri's second term they began to misuse the powers they had been granted and they made a lot of people mad. The plebs went right back to the good ole' Sacred Mountain and the Decemviri were never elected again. https://www.historyskills.com/classroom/ancient-history/anc-conflict-of-the-orders-reading/
https://www.lookandlearn.com/history-images/M091045/Decemvirs-framing-the-twelve-tables -
445 BCE
The Third Plebeian Succession
The Plebs were unhappy with the law in the Twelve Tables that forbade interclass marriage and Plebeians being in the senate. This changed in the Lex Canuleia law. https://www.historyskills.com/classroom/ancient-history/anc-conflict-of-the-orders-reading/ https://www.britannica.com/topic/Lex-Canuleiahttps://imperiumromanum.pl/en/article/secessio-plebis/#:~:text=Third%20plebeian%20secession%20–%20445%20BCE,-In%20445%20BCE&text=It%20was%20naturally%20a%20patrician,the%20consuls%20from%20the%20pleb. -
367 BCE
The Lincinian-Sextian Laws
The Lincinian-Sextian Law was a continuation of the Lex-Canuleia law that required that a minimum of one consul be from the Plebs which greatly expanded Plebeian power in the roman government. https://www.britannica.com/topic/consul-ancient-Roman-official https://www.historyskills.com/classroom/ancient-history/anc-conflict-of-the-orders-reading/
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_consul -
356 BCE
First Plebeian Dictator
The first Plebeian dictator Gaius Marcius Rutilus was elected in 356 to deal with an Etruscan invasion which he was able to defeat. Picture of livy since he wrote about GMR and there are no GMR pictures. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaius_Marcius_Rutilus https://oxfordre.com/classics/display/10.1093/acrefore/9780199381135.001.0001/acrefore-9780199381135-e-3956?d=%2F10.1093%2Facrefore%2F9780199381135.001.0001%2Facrefore-9780199381135-e-3956&p=emailAcuAMpBnKa4Ao
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livy -
337 BCE
First Plebeian Praetor
Quintus Publilius Philo was the first ever Plebeian Praetor after the role of Praetor was opened up to the plebeians that same year. This also marked a point when Plebeians were given considerably more power in government. https://www.britannica.com/topic/praetor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Praetor#:~:text=Livy%20reports%20that%20until%20337,Publilius%20Philo%2C%20won%20the%20office.
https://www.romanoimpero.com/2017/03/quinto-publilio-filone.html -
287 BCE
Fifth Succession of the Plebs
After a war with the Sabines the plebs were mad because they didn't get any of the land and so they left again. Quintus Hortensius was elected as dictator to deal with this and this leads to the next event. https://www.historyskills.com/classroom/ancient-history/anc-conflict-of-the-orders-reading/ https://www.britannica.com/topic/plebeian
https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-hortensius-hortalus-quintus-114-50-bc-roman-politician-portrait-herm-28906180.html -
287 BCE
Lex Hortensia
This was the end of the conflict of orders according to most people, since the Lex Hortensia makes all laws apply to every roman citizen instead of one class or group of people (slaves are probably excluded) https://www.historyskills.com/classroom/ancient-history/anc-conflict-of-the-orders-reading/ https://www.britannica.com/topic/Lex-Hortensia