Sherri's Long Journey

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    Sherri's Long Journey

  • Family Members

    Family Members
    Jim (Step-dad) He loves my mom and me, funny, helpful, loves his family and my moms family
    Janet(mom) Always there for me and is so helpful. She takes me under her wing and helps me through hard times, understand, loves her family and my step-dads.
    Ed(brother) funny, loves coming down to see my mom, dad, and I. Generous, and would do anything for us.
    Mysti(sister) determined, friendly, understanding, helpful with big projects.
    Ransie(brother) protective, funny, and loves to pick on me.
  • Defining moments in my childhood

    Defining moments in my childhood
    1. One moment that changed me who i am is my grandma and grandpa. my grandpa died in December of 02' and my grandma died in 03'. They taught me respect and to love with all my heart and soul.
    2. Another moment was my biological father moving out. it hurt me at first, but i realised just what kind of pain he put me through with his alcoholism. it made me stronger in the long run.
    3. When i was close with a couple of my adult cousins, they would take me everywhere. when they had kids,i was nothing
  • Who made me feel loves for the first time as a child

    Who made me feel loves for the first time as a child
    My mom has always made me feel loved, especially as a child because she played both the mother and father for me for the longest time. I have always felt her love at all times.
  • Right & Wrong

    Right & Wrong
    I grew up as a Christain. I didn't have to be Christain, but i grew up with it from my mom. As i got older, my religon changed a bit. My mom taught me right and wrong and disciplined me whenever I was being a disruptive child.
  • Happiness

    Happiness for me was having my friends come over and playing with barbies and dressing up.
  • Change about my childhood

    Change about my childhood
    One thing i would change is not being so negative and nieve.
  • Memorable accomplishment

    Memorable accomplishment
    My most memorable accomplishement was in middle school. In middle school, my eighth grade year, i recieved a huge amount of awards. But the most prominent award was a special one. Very few people get this award, and it was a presidential award for outstanding academics. I was ecstatic!
  • Things that contributed to my personality

    Things that contributed to my personality
    JROTC is a huge contribution to how i act today. It has taught me leadership and to always respect my peers and elders. It changed how i used to be and shaped me into a much better, stronger person that i ever was before.
  • Period: to

    Present: High School Years

  • Parents handleing Conflict

    Parents handleing Conflict
    My mom handled conflict very well. Whenever there was a problem she would handle it the best she could. When my biological father wsas still living with us, he would handle conflict horribly. He'd get angry and yell like a sailor.
  • Parents handling money

    Parents handling money
    My mom was in charge of the money in the house. She saved money the best she could until we needed something. My mom and biological father never argued over it.
  • Disappointment

    My cousin a long time ago had disappointed me. She was into really bad and harmful things. I wasn't into that stuff, so i stopped hanging out with her. It was a huge disappointment that she didn't care about me enough to cut all of the bad things in her life.
  • How i handle conflict with parents and peers

    How i handle conflict with parents and peers
    I am a quite person so i don't really have conflicts with the people around me. I handle conflict very well with my mom. Sometimes, when we argue, we don't talk for a couple of hours. But after the anger feelings go away, we apoligise and everything is ship shaped back into its normal routine again.
  • Feeling loved for the first time

    Feeling loved for the first time
    My ex boyfriend made me feel loved for the first time and had made me happy. He always used to be there for me during rough times.
  • Memorable Accomplishment

    Memorable Accomplishment
    My most memorable accomplishment in high school has been passing all my math classes. Especially Geometry. My finishing grade in that class was a B. That is the best i have ever done in math.
  • Influencial Person

    Influencial Person
    The most influential person in my life during my high school career has been my mommy. I don't necessarily have friends, so she has always been there for me and tells to keep going when times are hard. She also encourages me to keep continuing on with my academic studies.
  • What i spend my money on

    What i spend my money on
    I usually spend my money on clothes. But only on occasion. If it's not clothes that I am buying, then it is food of some sort. I'm a saver unless I need or want something. I earn money by working at the Shopper every Saturday.
  • Happiness in High School

    Happiness in High School
    Happiness for me is getting exceptional grads in all my classes and maintaining my perfect attendance.
  • Plans for after graduation

    Plans for after graduation
    My plans for after high school still are not set yet. But i am however thinking about Military, Cosmetology, CNA, or a Nurse.
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    Future: Life after high school-Retirement

  • Where I want to live when I am on my own

    Where I want to live when I am on my own
    I would want to live in anywhere i could afford to live at. I want either a small apartment or a decent sized house. The important things that I need to make it more liveable for me are: a fairly small house/apartment, fridge, dishwasher, and a big enough bedroom for me.
  • Marriage

    A part of me wants to get married, but apart of me also doesn't. If i do end up getting married, it would have to be at least around 21-25. My future spouse must a hard worker, respectful of my feelings, listens to me, and will always encourage me on my deepest, darkest, days.
  • Marriages that influenced my ideas on marriage.

    Marriages that influenced my ideas on marriage.
    Every marriage around me has either: fell apart, is falling apart, or still is having problems from divorce. After seeing all these marriages like this, it has made me really think differently on getting married.
  • If i want a family

    If i want a family
    If i do end up having a family, i want to have 2-4 kids. I want my family to be able to be there for my children, to watch them grow up into fantastic young adults.
  • Lessons i would teach my children.

    Lessons i would teach my children.
    The top five lessons I want my children to grow up with is, respect, manners, persistance, practice, and determination. I would want to show my children what the true meaning of love actually means. I also would help and show my children how to control anger.
  • Career goal for mid-life

    Career goal for mid-life
    I see myself doing my job, but in the mean time i might be switching to different locations.
  • My dream

    My dream
    My dreams would be to have a nice, medium sized log cabin home in a safe neighorhood where i won't be bothered. I would also want to have an amazing husband, well mannered children and maybe even a couple nice cars to go along with it.
  • Happiness in mid-life retirement

    Happiness in mid-life retirement
    Happiness for me will be to do what I love and spending extra time with my family and friends.
  • How old i want to live

    How old i want to live
    I want to live to be anywhere from 80-100. That would be the coolest thing ever to see how all the generations will be passed down.