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  • 4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences

    4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences
    I never had a secure attachment with my mother. When they got a divorce in 2000, I was thrilled. I used my father as a safe haven, even though I did feel anxious/ambivalent around him at times. My father had by back, but his temper could frighten me.However, I used to desperately need my loved ones approval and acceptance. I felt like I wasn't enough, but over the last year or two my attachment style has changed dramatically. I feel secure within myself regardless of other peoples' approval.
  • 7.3 Major Life Events

    7.3 Major Life Events
    I have had several major life events over the course of a few years. I guess one of the biggest life events I went through was when I was 13 and my mother moved to a different state even though my parents were already divorced. She moved away from her children.During this time, I got instrumental support and started intensely skin-picking as a way to cope with my stress. Not the healthiest, but it's the truth at least.
  • 2.1 Oxidative Damage

    2.1 Oxidative Damage
    The oxidative damage theory states that people mature from the destruction of molecules that are let go when normal cell metabolism occurs. In order to stop the process of aging, I'd have to take myself back to the age of my teen years in California and stop tanning, escape smog in the air as much as possible, and actually commit to eating a healthy diet including more antioxidants.
  • 7.2 Transitions

    7.2 Transitions
    Just over a year ago, I lost my dad and my world change forever. I was 19 years old and had been living in completely new family dynamics compared to my upbringing with a single-father who worked a blue collar job and myself plus 2 younger sisters. I wanted to ran away, so I transitioned from conformist to individualistic in less than a year. However, due to death in the family, I experienced transitioning from individualistic to integrated as well.
  • 2.4 Potential Consequences of My Lifestyle

    2.4 Potential Consequences of My Lifestyle
    My lack of exercise and amount of junk food compared to the low number of servings of veggies I eat, may cause one or more of the conditions: obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, or diabetes. Diseases such as Alzheimer's and cardiovascular disease can trigger symptoms of depression in mid-life. To be honest, being out of the college environment and away from cafeteria food will force me to start caring about what I put in my body. I will be able to make meals from home.
  • 2.3 My Current Healthy Lifestyle

    2.3 My Current Healthy Lifestyle
    Everyday, I eat about 2 or 3 servings of fruit, but less than 2 servings of vegetables. I am exposed to junk food and eat it weekly. I walk almost everywhere I go, however I realize it's not enough for my sedentary lifestyle. I have never smoked and I only drink alcohol socially, no more than 2 drinks per event. My body does not handle alcohol well. And I use sunscreen moderately, especially being from Southern California. To be healthier, I need to change my diet and exercise more.
  • 4.3 Adult Attachment Style

    4.3 Adult Attachment Style
    According to the Hazan & Sahver's model of Adult Romantic Attachment Styles, I was very curious to see my answer! I scored "secure" with flying colors, which was a nice self-esteem booster. In my current relationship, my partner is my best friend. We are by no means perfect, but I can openly discuss any topic with her, I am comfortable displaying affection, but I do not feel the need to do so. In a way, we have our own language and way of doing things that keeps us happy together.
  • 6.1 My RIASEC type

    6.1 My RIASEC type
    According to Holland's test, I scored as CSE (conventional, social, enterprising). My highest score was conventional, whereas my lowest score was investigative. Conventional personality types like detail and ordered structure according to text. On the other website, based on my RIASEC type, I found some interesting jobs! Librarian, librarian technician, and file clerk were ranked as top career fields for me. Interestingly enough, I loved these job descriptions and felt they fit me perfectly.
  • 7.1 Fowler

    7.1 Fowler
    For a while, I tried to look for myself through religion. I was baptized Catholic as an infant, not because my un-wed mother was a follower of the religion, but to spite my father who thought I should make up my own mind. I went from individualistic to integrated due to the death of my father and lots of therapy. Still never really found myself in spirituality, but I am a happy atheist. I have not experienced conformity or self-transcendence in terms of religion or faith.

    On this day, I will become an adult by: my commencement, my marriage, and signing my first apartment lease with my wife and our friends. On this day, all of these milestones will be official (social normative life events).
  • 4.1 Young Adult Role Transition

    4.1 Young Adult Role Transition
    I'm expecting something to hit me once I come to the realization that I'm married and won't be in school anymore. My college career will be officially over. This means, that I have to start working full time. Luckily for me, I will have two jobs already lined up for me, but since my wife will continue getting her education, my sole purpose will be to make sure we are financially secure. Typically, this is the gender stereotypical role of a male, regardless of being in a same-sex relationship.
  • 6.2 Super's Stages

    6.2 Super's Stages
    Being recent graduate of my bachelor's degree and 23-years-old, I think I am in the middle of Super's second stage of career development: exploration with hopes of reaching establishment. I have to be honest, I still have no idea where I will end up once I start working at a stable job. Let's say I am a librarian, like my RIASEC type suggests for me. The exploration stage would mean I am a librarian technician or librarian assistant, but working towards being a librarian with an MLS degree,
  • 4.2 Older Adult Role Transition

    4.2 Older Adult Role Transition
    I definitely don't believe being 32 qualifies as being an older adult, but around this time, I expect to be a new mother. Being a parent typically demands one partner to follow a role and the other partner to follow a different role. However, I don't know if the transition of having children will have an impact on my career or my wife's career. Gender stereotypes say that women tend to stay home and do the child-rearing while husbands go out and earn money by working hard. We don't fit this.
  • 2.2 Genetic Limits

    2.2 Genetic Limits
    Women on average live about six years longer than men, and the human lifespan lasts between 110 to 120 years, tops. I have to admit, I don't want to live this long. I will enjoy my life for the time I've got. I do not need to squeeze anymore time through trying to modify my body's DNA telomeres. If I was trying to prolong my life to live the healthiest life possible, I'd say it'd have to start in my 30's and 40's when the body is less forgiving about how you treat it.
  • 6.3- Generativity

    6.3- Generativity
    In one video about an interview with a name named Donald Merchant, I clearly saw that he was in the middle of the Generativity vs. self-absorption and stagnation stage of his life. Merchant had 2 children with his first wife and then 2 children with his current wife, but encouraged all of his children to be a big family. He supported family picnics and told his interviewer that family was the biggest priority in his life. When I am in this stage, I would love to believe I will pick generatively.
  • 3.2 Useful Field of View

    3.2 Useful Field of View
    The useful field view can be defined as what one can take in or absorb their eyes at one glance. This can be especially useful for driving, and can start deteriorating in old age. Being likely to get into accidents due to age conflicts with the IADL function of driving. The number of car crashes spikes significantly by age 70. To eliminate this, it is suggested to take public transportation or retake driving instruction!
  • 8.1 The End

    8.1 The End
    [Insert song: Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap here]
    Shelby Pilar Vincent
    AKA Boo Boo, Shelb, or Bee
    Born in Orange, California on March 9, 1994
    Living Descendants: Morgane Vincent and 2 or 3 crazy children
    Wife, Mother, Artist, Activist, Campaigner, Atheist, Feminist, & Businesswoman
    Happiest when wearing all black, traveling to islands, annoying her loved ones, and making a little difference in the world.
    She wanted to be cremated in a biodegradable tree pod urn. :)
    She found herself.
  • 3.1 Crystallized Intelligence

    3.1 Crystallized Intelligence
    Starting in my eighties, my crystallized intelligence has started declining little by little. Crystallized intelligence can basically be defined by what someone learns based on experience and their education, such as driving, taking the bus, or management of one's own finances. These examples are also listed on the IADL and ADL. This decline would effect my ability to find most transportation and limit my ability to manage any kind of money.