Shayan's Timeline of Attitude (1914-1929)

  • WW1 Internment Camps (-2) (!)

    WW1 Internment Camps (-2) (!)
    When WW1 was declared, the Canadian federal government passed the War Measures Act which was active from 22 August 1914 to 10 January 1920. This meant that the European Canadians, mostly Ukranians were forced into Internment Camps and were detained from their rights. I think it should be listed as a -2 because it displays the torture and trauma these people went through by our governments discrimination.
  • Period: to

    Major Canadian Events from 1914 to 1929

  • The Second Battle of Ypres (1915) (+1) (@)

    The Second Battle of Ypres (1915) (+1) (@)
    Canada had its first major battle and it was against the germans on April 22nd 1915. It was estimated that around 6000 Canadian Soldiers were wounded, captured or killed due to Germanys use of chlorine gas. I think it should be listed as a +1 because it was a big battle to stop German Aggression and Canada got a high reputation internationally after the battle.
  • No.2 Construction Battalion (+1) (@)

    No.2 Construction Battalion (+1) (@)
    Black Canadians are known for their heroism and sacrifice in the British and Canadian Armed Forces. However, when WW1 was on, many Black Soldiers were denied as they called it a “White Mans War”. After many protests and appeals, they created the No.2 Construction Battalion which was a strong military unit consisting of black soldiers during WW1. I put this as a +1 because it shows the unity of the black soldiers in Canada to create their own military force.
  • The Wartime Elections Act (+1) (!)

    The Wartime Elections Act (+1) (!)
    This act gave the right for wives, widows, mothers and sisters of the soldiers to vote in federal elections. Although this was a step in the right direction for women rights, they didn't give the voting right to all women until 1940. I give this a +1 rating for that reason, definitely an important event but still more progress needed to be done.
  • Halifax Explosion (-2) (@)

    Halifax Explosion (-2) (@)
    On the morning of December 6th 1917, a French Cargo Ship by the name of SS Mont-Blanc collided with the Norwegian vessel SS Imo in Halifax. The collision led to a huge explosion that left approximately 2000 killed and approximately 9000 others injured. I gave this a -2 because it resulted in many lives lost and a huge economic loss as well.
  • Spanish Flu (-1) (@)

    Spanish Flu (-1) (@)
    Many people have begun to hear more about the Spanish Flu recently due to the comparisons with the Coronavirus. The Spanish Flu was a deadly epidemic that lasted from 1918 to 1920 and killed over 50,000 Canadians. A lot of the Canadian Soldiers who had returned from war to their families would sadly end up dying to this flu. I rank this a -1 since it was a moment of uncertainty for the entire world and lots of Canadians would end up losing their lives because of it.
  • Winnipeg General Strike (-1) ($)

    Winnipeg General Strike (-1) ($)
    The Winnipeg General Strike that lasted from May 15, 1919 - June 26, 1919 is considered one of the biggest strikes in Canadian History. It saw around 35,000 workers leaving their jobs to join the strike. The strikes caused arrests, injuries and even left a couple protestors dead. I put this at a -1 because the strike was caused by the governments inaction in employment management, salary payment and negligence towards the working class.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act (-2) (!)

    Chinese Exclusion Act (-2) (!)
    In 1923, the federal government passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which imposed 24 years of restrictions on the Chinese immigrants. Every person of Chinese descent whether born in Canada or not had to register for an identity card within a year. If they didn’t, it would either cause imprisonment or a penalty of $500. The rule had a few exceptions for students, businessmen, e.t.c. I put this at a -2 rating because it is shown as blatant discrimination against the Chinese People by our government.
  • The Indian Act (-2) (!)

    The Indian Act (-2) (!)
    The Indian Act was a law made by the federal government to administer Indigenous people and assimilate them to non-Indigenous Society. Although the law was made in 1876, they continued to add on to it. In 1927, they made it illegal for the people of the First Nations Community to hire a lawyer or file a land claim with the government without their consent. I rank this -2 because it caused a lot of damage for the Indigenous Community for years.
  • The Person's Case (+2) (!)

    The Person's Case (+2) (!)
    In order to ensure women's rights in Canada, a step of progress was The Person’s Case that was decided on October 18th, 1929. It was a constitutional ruling that gave women the eligibility to sit in the Senate of Canada. This case was carried out by a group of women activists called “The Famous Five”. I put this at a +2 rating because it increased the power and status of Canadian Women by a lot as they gained the eligibility to participate in political activities.