Shaping the History of Special Education

  • Experimental school for feeble minded youth is established by Howe

  • College training for teachers of students with intellectual disabilities begins

  • Council for Exceptional Children is established

  • Leo Kanner identifies the characteristics of children with autism

  • Dr. Hans Asperger identifies children with characteristics that would later be known as Aspergers Syndrome

  • U.S. Supreme courts hands down decision in Brown v. Board of Education

  • Samuel A. Kirk introduces term learning disabilities

  • B. Flatt & F. Kaplan publish Christmas in Purgatory - exposing life in institutions for those with intellectual disabilities

  • Congress provides funding for Title VI to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

  • Public Law 94-142

  • Americans with Disabilities Act is enacted

  • EAHCA is amended and renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

  • No Child Left Behind Act - requiring students be taught by highly qualified teachers and increased accountability for all students

  • Reauthorization of IDEA raises standards for quality instruction for students with disabilities

  • Rosa's Law - signed by President Obama changed the federal language usage from mental retardation to intellectual disability