Shannon's Erikson Timeline

  • Trusting Environment: Trust vs Mistrust

    Trusting Environment: Trust vs Mistrust
    October 15, 2001.
    I was a 10-month-old infant experiencing love and nurture from my parents and family. I was a really happy infant that was really attached to my parents.
    In Erikson's first stage, trust vs mistrust the biggest challenge is whether the infant is experiencing enough love and nurture to develop trust. For an infant to develop trust they will need to experience a loving and caring environment. Through infancy I was able to build a healthy and loving relationship with my parents.
  • Sisterly Love: Initiative vs Guilt

    Sisterly Love: Initiative vs Guilt
    July 25, 2004.
    My sister and I laughed each other but at times when we were toddlers would fight each other, the typical thing to do.
    In Erikson's third stage of life, initiative versus guilt I showed guilt by feeling bad and crying after hitting or pinching my little sister. An example of this is when I would fight with my sister over a toy and pinch her so I could have it, then when mum would ask what happened she would say "Shannon hit me" and I could cry out of guilt.
  • Finding Myself: Identity vs Identity Confusion

    Finding Myself: Identity vs Identity Confusion
    September 29, 2019.
    I truly found myself and was able to identify.
    In Erikson's fifth stage, identity vs identity confusion I was really about to take the time to find my own identity. At 18 I had just had a reconstructive surgery that would leave me out of gymnastics for 12 months which was something I had done since the age of 2. I had time to reflect, gather my feelings and see what life was with gymnastics and time without. I was graduating high school and took the time to realise who I am.