2400 BCE
Longshan people use bronze
The longshan people use bvronze -
2000 BCE
Xia dynasty rules
Although there is no written record for this group, the Xia dynasty is believed to rule in the Yellow River area of northeast China. Chinese traditions begin here. -
1766 BCE
Tang takes control over Xia
Legend has it that Tang overthrows the existing Xia family leader and begins to rule in the Yellow River area and then he rules for a very long time. -
1766 BCE
Tang now starts to make a capital
Shang Tang sets up his capital in Bo. The Shang will move the capital five times. Unlike the last Xia ruler, Tang rules his people well and he is the best emperor to take care of the people -
Period: 1766 BCE to 1737 BCE
The start of Shang and the end of Shang
When Shang plays a role as an emperor -
1737 BCE
The family line of Shangs continue
Shang rules for around for 29 years and succeds him -
1700 BCE
The start of the middle bronze age
Although the exact time is not known, the Shang Dynasty ushers in the use of bronze into the area. Weapons, tools, and religious vessels are made. Even chariots are used in warfare. -
1700 BCE
The religious practice
Oracle bones are carved with characters to ask a question of the gods. The bones are poked with a heated metal rod, causing cracks to form. The king can interpret the cracks to get his answer. These characters are China's earliest form of writing. -
1700 BCE
Not only is the Shang dynasty known for its use of bronze, but they also create looms to make silk cloth, build palaces, and have walled towns. -
1300 BCE
Pan Geng rules
Some 400 years after King Tang begins the dynasty, King Pan Geng rules. Because of many enemies, he moves the capital to Yin, which is modern day Anyang. -
1200 BCE
Wuding rules Shang dynasty
King Wuding brings the dynasty to its peak. He is the 22nd ruler. -
1200 BCE
Lady Hao dies
Lady Hao, a wife of King Wuding, dies. She is buried in a tomb filled with worldly treasures that she can use in the afterlife. -
1200 BCE
Bronze still used widely
Among the objects placed in Lady Hao's tomb were many bronze pieces. The items included armor, pots, musical instruments, weapons, and stoves. -
1046 BCE
The slaves revolt
Cruelty and high taxes cause the slaves to revolt and to join forces with the Chou people of West China. -
1046 BCE
Di Xin is overthrown
Di Xin, the last Shang ruler, is overthrown by WuWang of the Chou family. The Chou dynasty begins to reign. The Shang Dynasty brought cultural advancement to the Chinese people, but their failure to rule wisely eventually brought about their own destruction. -
Conditions decline
The rulers after Wuding can't hold the people together and the dynasty begins to decline.