Shane's Personal Development Timeline

  • The Great Prenatal Rollerblading Crash of 1992

    My mother, early in her pregnancy, was taking part in her normal recreation of fruitbooting (Rollerblading). Her reckless rebel attitude meant she caught a groove with her blades and ended crashing, breaking her elbow. This could've had an impact on my development. Might be the reason I'm unconciously afraid of hot pavement and anybody wearing knee pads, but probably not.
  • "Just one Cigarette"

    Just one....
  • Birth

  • First Words

    "Mamma." My father claims that I had said "Woah Mamma" but how could I know. I was almost 6 months old so it was natural that I was starting to babble multiple syllables.
  • Motorcontrol. Sitting. Poking.

    I scratched my older brother (3 at the time) in the eyeball. He wore an eyepatch for a couple of weeks. I was exploring new objects.
  • Brains. Age 2

    My brain reached about 80% of it's adult size. Dad was so proud.
  • Further Motor-Improvement, Tricycle. Age 3

    I learned to ride a tricycle and my Motor skills we're, at this point, perficient enough to pedal.
  • Period: to


    I found myself with many friends in Elementary School. I was easily able to get along with other kids. I had very high self-confidence (for the most part). I had morals at this early age and did my best to cooperate with others. Things I never did when I was younger.
  • Moving caused some problems. Age 5

    At age 5, I moved with my Family and in the long process, I created a semi-imaginary friend. In reality, I named a fork I had found in my yard "Harold" and kept myself occupied.
  • Embarassment. Age 6.

    I wet myself in the first grade at school. It really had me asking erikson's existential question. "I peed myself, am I going to be able to make it in this world?"
  • An effective gift. Age 7

    My father gave me an Art set on my 7th birthday. I had doodled before and enjoyed it but I remember this being the concrete moment where I began to thoroughly enjoy art.
  • Der Untergang. Age 12.

    7th grade, I sort of snapped out of my social obliviousness that I had carried in elementary school. All of a sudden, I realized my school had become cliqueish and everybody was secluded into small social groups. I had a group of friends but I didn't feel like I fit in well with them. I started becoming self-concious and wondered when or If I fit in.
  • Grandfather's Passing. Age 13

    My grandfather passed away when I was 13 years old. I was to the point where I began to contemplate death and it's eclipse on life.
  • Outcast

    The begginning of High School was extremely difficult for me. Socially, I was isolated and didn't at all understand the social dynamic of the people around me. While I was aware of my alienation, in the begginning, I hardly cared.
  • Brother leaves for College.

    The begginning of my Junior year of high school, my brother moved to Iowa and it was a suprisingly positive experience for me. I had spent many years looking up to him and trying to replicate his lifestyle but when he moved, I was finally able to be myself.
  • Joined theater

    My Junior year meant joining theater and creating postive relationships with other people my age. Now that I was finally persuing my own interests meant a huge boost in Self-Esteem.
  • Moved to College

    After graduation, I moved away from home to Durango. Here, I was easily able to aquaint myself with other students and enjoyed living in the dorms. I did however, begin to experience depression that slowly grew over time. I imagine that this is due to a discovery of the world around me and my multiple existential criseses that I've experienced since moving.
  • Anxiety.

    Early in my freshman year. I began to experience unprovoked panic attacks. I still don't know their source nor do I take medication to extinguish them.