Shachar A

By MrsHill
  • 3761 BCE

    End of Creation

    End of Creation
  • 2103 BCE

    The flood

    The flood
  • 1813 BCE

    Avraham’s birth

    Avraham’s birth
  • 1562 BCE

    Yoseph’s birth

    Yoseph’s birth
  • 586 BCE

    1st Temple destroyed by the Babalonians

    1st Temple destroyed by the Babalonians
    Destroyed on 9th of av
  • 516 BCE

    Second temple built

    Second temple built
  • 356 BCE

    Purim story

    Purim story
  • 164 BCE

    Chanukah story

    Chanukah story
  • 70

    2nd Temple destroyed by the Romans

    2nd Temple destroyed by the Romans
    Destroyed on 9th of av
  • First aliyah

    First aliyah
  • David Ben Gurion’s birth

    David Ben Gurion’s birth
  • First Zionist congress

    First Zionist congress
  • Balfour declaration

    Balfour declaration
  • The state of Israel

    The state of Israel
    This is when Israel was declared the Jewish home land
  • Me
