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Seymour Aubrey Papert
Seymour Aubrey Papert (February 29, 1928 – July 31, 2016) was a South African-born American mathematician, computer scientist, and educator, who spent most of his career teaching and researching at MIT.[2][3][4] He was one of the pioneers of artificial intelligence, and of the constructionist movement in education.[5] He was co-inventor, with Wally Feurzeig, of the Logo programming language. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seymour_Papert) -
Professor of Applied Math
In 1967, he became professor of applied math and was made co-director of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory by its founding director Professor Marvin Minsky. Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert developed "LOGO." A program called "body-syntonic reasoning" where students could understand the turtle's motion by imagining what they would do if they were the turtle. It introduces children to basic computer programming concepts. -
Jean Piaget
Seymour Papert worked with the a Swiss clinical psychologist known for his pioneering work in child development, Jean Piaget at the University of Geneva from 1959 to 1963. Here is a video (in french) talking about their work in mathematics. (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2zg28t) -
Guggenheim fellowship
Papert won a Guggenheim fellowship. an annual award to those " "who have demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts." -
Logo Computer Systems Inc.
In 1981, Papert along with several others in the Logo group at MIT, started Logo Computer Systems Inc. (LCSI), of which he was Board Chair for over 20 years. -
Macaroni Society
Won a Marconi International fellowship. "to honor significant contributions in science and technology, awarding the Marconi Prize and an annual $100,000 grant to a living scientist who has made advances in communication technology that benefits mankind." -
In His Own Words
Seymour Papert: Excerpt from the MIT Media Lab Interactive Videodisc, explains the cleverness of having children "play" with technology as they learn. -
Smithsonian Award from Computerworld
Won the Smithsonian Award from Computerworld. for using "technology to produce beneficial changes for society." -
Knowledge Machine
Seymour Papert from the MIT Media Laboratory wrote a book based off the concept that intended to enable children to explore any situation and engage them completely. Although Papert never clearly defined the Knowledge Machine, one interpretation is a virtual reality device that allows the user to slip into any situation and have a simulated experience of that situation. https://www.amazon.com/Childrens-Machine-Rethinking-School-Computer/dp/0465010636