Sexual Assault

By altaing
  • Rape Statistics

    Reported by the United States Department of Justice, 234,800 rape cases were reported this year
  • Amanda Nguyen

    Amanda Nguyen
    Amanda Nguyen pushed for the establishment of the Sexual Assault Bill after having to fight to preserve her rape kit every six months.
  • Brock Turner

    Witnesses saw Brock Turning raping an intoxicated, unconscious woman behind a garbage dump.
  • Brock Turner Jailed

    Brock Turner Jailed
    Brock Turner was sentenced to six months.
  • Sexual Assault Survivor Bills of Rights INTRO

    The Bill is introduced by Zoe Lofgren and Mimi Walters to prevent the termination of rape kits and the right for victims to be notified of the forensic exam.
  • Brock Turner Released

    Turner was released for ¨good behavior¨ after 3 months.
  • Bill Passed

    The Sexual Assault Survivors Bill of Rights is passed.
  • Bill Signing

    Bill Signing
    The bill is signed by President Obama.