Aestheticpamela (8)

Seven Wonders of My far...

  • Samuel's Birthday :p

    Samuel's Birthday :p
    Falling from the sky he blessed us with his majestic presence becoming my cousin and creating the species of gorgeous babies with a unicorn princess. I.e. he has gorgeous babies.
  • Period: to

    El Salvador <3

    Being born here with a loving family has always been something that has made me happy and proud. Even though I only get to visit here every other year, memories of my second home are still fresh in my mind. The culture, relationships, and atmosphere are always something that have been inspiring to me.

    This is an important event because without this moment this timeline would make no sense and I wouldn't even exist which would be terribly unfortunate...
  • Period: to

    Friends and Family

    I've been blessed with a caring family and amazing friends that I would never give the world to change. They've been there for all the times I was falling apart or jumping for joy. They have shaped me more than anything into the person I am, giving me a unique personality and an awesome life :)
  • Mah Bro

    Mah Bro
    My brother is definitely the most important thing that happened in my life...other than my birth...and he is and will always be my best friend. Because of our three year age difference he always triggers the childish side of me, helping me enjoy everyday and see things with an open mind.
  • Principal's Office

    Principal's Office
    Believe it or not this was a scaring experience for me as I went to the Principal's Office for the first time in my life- I stood there petrified as this huge guy raged over me about accidentally kicking this kid in the face. However after the lecture carried on I decided that lectures were uninteresting, and ever since then I have day dreamed during every lecture that has ever been given to me.
  • Sign Language

    Sign Language
    One of my many inspirations was learning sign language in the eighth grade. Learning new languages has been something I've always loved to do, and in learning this language I learned that you don't have to speak to show how someone you really care or just to communicate in general. Still waiting to go to the deaf school..
  • Reading

    Starting with my dad reading to me when i was little, this has expanded to an addiction that has consumed my life for the last 7 years of my life. This has enlarged my vocabulary, my opinions, and my ideas in so many ways, along with making my imagination only crazier...
  • Art

    If you haven't noticed, expression is a huge part in my life- from acting to photography to music it has always been something that I've enjoyed and been passionate about. Without art I think I would be a completely different person...well more like a emotionless zombie cursed to walk on this planet for an eternity...