Seven Ages of Man by Paige Thorpe

  • infant

    in this stage of life you are innocent, delicate, not knowing, and you haven't told a single lie.
  • school boy

    school boy
    in this stage of life you tell lies, cause trouble, disrespectful, and naughty
  • lover

    At this stage of life you are capable of working on your own, you have a job, your own home,and you make your own choices.
  • soldier

    At this stage you are fighting for your right, you become a man, you have a job, and you protect the ones you love.
  • justice

    in this stage you have completed things you wanted to do, you may have traveled some, and your children have possibly families of their own.
  • pantaloon

    at this stage you are retired, you stay at home alot of the time, you have grandkids, and your near the end of your life
  • second childishness

    second childishness
    At this stage you are at your end, about to go to Heaven or Hell, and possibly at peace.